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RE: Time to spend

in ThoughtfulDailyPostlast year (edited)

I am very sad once again for your negative experience, no one deserves this... and this is how trust keeps on shrinking in other people. I've been there myself on more than one occasion and I know hot excruciatingly bad and painful it can be, hence I can definitely relate... You are very correct when referencing seemingly sweet words: it's very important to delineate seemingly sweet words (which are fake) from real ones, which can be even plain and neutral sometimes, but at least their are truthful and honest (and not sugar coating for who knows what nasty underlying or hidden wants).

It's also better to be alone or single than to be in a disastrous relationship or a dysfunctional one (which ends nowhere and becomes non-functional and very toxic along the way). Respecting one's boundaries and privacy is key to any healthy relationship. At the same time, red flags shouldn't ever be ignored. Healthy relationships, both ways, are very important if people are straightforward, understanding, and respectful to each other so that those flags shouldn't multiply. All the best once again and much respect! Have a very beautiful time here on Hive and beyond! And thank you so much once again for your warm wishes! The very same to you! 😊