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RE: Time to spend

I once felt awful about meeting someone. For me, almost three years were completely pointless and a waste of my time. Since then, I no longer want to waste my time meeting the wrong people. It is not time for me to have fun like I did when I was younger. If only I could turn back time, I might choose the other person who genuinely cares about me.


Sometimes it's those things you mention that occur that help us find a path forward to better things.

You're absolutely correct 💯 @galenkp !! Sometimes the difficulties we face turn out to be a blessings in disguise. They can teach us great lessons and point us in the direction of progress and better things.

P/S : Has someone downvoted your comments?

I think there's much to be learned through adversity, not least of which is how to lessen the risk of it occurring again although that's not always possible.

So far, I have been trying to avoid it. I have built a high wall that I know nobody can bring down. I suppose that is how I cope with my feelings towards others. However, I see this as an opportunity to do what is best for myself. My spirit is focused on loving myself and keeping busy with work and my kids.

Indeed, that's quite correct, that and staying away from idiots or assholes. That works wonders as well! 😊

P.S. I forgot to mention brutes or hypocrites, but it goes without saying concerning someone. 🙂

P.S. I forgot to mention brutes or hypocrites, but it goes without saying concerning someone. 🙂

Haha, @vikthor I know it's hard for them to digest. I recall there's a person who used to deny the existence of God, but now this person use His name. There are many characteristics of their hypocrisy that are evident. But they are not aware of it.

For me, it's enough to witness these kind of attitude. It's a big red flag that we should avoided. When I tried to remember it back, I feel that these people are only try to fit accordingly to what they believe.

It's even worse when they try to humiliate you and bring you down to the lowest level, thinking that's the best they can do. But in reality, it's the opposite. Their own lives are miserable, yet they say that yours is worse. This kind of people will never want to see you happy.

And other than hypocrite, people who are fond of lying to me, are not to be trusted, and I will never believe a single story they tell. This is because it has become their habit to live through deception. I wasted my time through this person deception, and I am well aware of how this person stoops so low just to live a life full of lies.

If there would be a 1000% vote button, I would wholeheartedly vote your very beautiful and accurate comment, I truly mean it! I couldn't agree more! I don't know why some people would resort to lies and deception in their relationships with others... ultimately they will have nothing to gain, not that gain in itself would be something that you should seek first and foremost when relating to your fellow men, but they are not that intelligent either. I am very sad for your your negative experience and I truly hope that won't ever happen to you again with any other person similar to the previous one which you described. I truly wish you all the best, a wonderful Christmas, and many blessings throughout this month! Much respect, take care, and stay safe! 🙂

It's okay. What happened to me, I see it as the worst experience in my life. Even though many may have deceived me, it wasn't as bad as this. For me, don't trust sweet words too much, and it's better to be aware that people like this definitely have red flags, which I realized early on but pretended to be blind to judge them, because I was swept away by their sweet words.

However, after that incident, I became more cautious. Until now, I'm not in a hurry to be with anyone else. I'm not that desperate to continue being with someone else. I have my own pride that I should think of. It's very difficult for me to trust anyone. So it's better for me to focus only on what's more important in my life.

Thank you so much for your insightful comment. I feel that there are still many men out there who think like you because it's all about self-respect and honor. I hope that your days are always blessed and thank you for everything. 🙏🤗

I am very sad once again for your negative experience, no one deserves this... and this is how trust keeps on shrinking in other people. I've been there myself on more than one occasion and I know hot excruciatingly bad and painful it can be, hence I can definitely relate... You are very correct when referencing seemingly sweet words: it's very important to delineate seemingly sweet words (which are fake) from real ones, which can be even plain and neutral sometimes, but at least their are truthful and honest (and not sugar coating for who knows what nasty underlying or hidden wants).

It's also better to be alone or single than to be in a disastrous relationship or a dysfunctional one (which ends nowhere and becomes non-functional and very toxic along the way). Respecting one's boundaries and privacy is key to any healthy relationship. At the same time, red flags shouldn't ever be ignored. Healthy relationships, both ways, are very important if people are straightforward, understanding, and respectful to each other so that those flags shouldn't multiply. All the best once again and much respect! Have a very beautiful time here on Hive and beyond! And thank you so much once again for your warm wishes! The very same to you! 😊

That is a very wise decision indeed. I know very well how it feels and how deeply it can hurt because I've definitely been there on more than one occasion, unfortunately, and I have the utmost empathy for anyone who had previously been there. I am very sorry for your negative experiences which you didn't deserve and I truly hope you will meet better people and have better relationships! Many blessings, take care, stay safe, and all the best! 🙂

Thank you so much for your warm thoughts and understanding. It means a lot to me that you can relate to my experiences.

Feeling disappointment in relationships is never easy to deal with, but I believe we can learn from them and grow. I appreciate your sympathy and well wishes.

I genuinely hope that in the future, both of us will find the happiness and love we deserve. Many blessings to you as well, and please take care, be safe, and have a fantastic adventure ahead of you! 🤗🙏

Absolutely, you are very right indeed... Sometimes the harshest wisdom in life comes from past negative experiences from which you can learn, grow, mature, evolve, and guide and/or relate to other people in an empathetic way so that they won't feel alone (because they are not, definitely). Life is not perfect nor is anyone, but we can try to be as respectful and as loving to each other even after we were severely damaged or hit by those we previously loved and/or respected. It takes great and true power to do so. Much respect, take care, stay safe, have a wonderful December, and a fantastic Christmas with manny blessings! 😊

P.S. Thank you so so much for your best wishes! I am very grateful to you! Have an excellent time here on HIVE as well and many pleasant and positive experiences in the future here and beyond the blockchain!

I completely agree that showing respect and love, even in difficult situations, requires true strength. It's not always easy, but it's worth striving for. I choose to respond with kindness and understanding if possible. With that we can create more positive and harmonious environment around us.

Thank you for your kind words and I hope you have a wonderful December. It should be filled with joy, love, and blessings. I don't celebrate Christmas but I'm wishing your Christmas will be truly fantastic, and surrounded by loved ones and lots of happiness. Take care and stay safe too! 😊🎄

Very beautiful comment and response indeed! You are very right! Much respect for your mentality, intentions, and actions! Many thanks for your December and Christmas wishes! Many blessings to you and your dear ones as well! 😊🎄