I think as we grow older and gain a lot of experiences, when we look back, it is inevitable to think that we wasted a lot of our time. Hindsight does that a lot of time. I shouldn't have played all those video games when I was younger. I should have done sports instead of reading all those comic books, etc. But let us not forget the butterfly effect. If you didn't do a lot of the things you regret, sure there might be a lot of things better in your current life, but you could also have missed out on meeting your best friend, or your wife, or the mistakes that made you who you are.
I'm not saying one should continue wasting their life not exercising, not eating healthy, and not taking care of themselves. What I am suggesting, is not to be too hard on oneself. Learn from your mistakes and make the changes you can now. If you are going to make decision, make sure that it is the best one you can make with the knowledge you have now, so that in the future, you shouldn't have regrets.
Everyone is responsible for themselves and must also pay the consequences of their actions, or failures to act, so in the end it's very unique to the individual when it comes to time-wasting. Of course, as you say, hindsight is 20/20 vision and it's easy to see what should have happened from that perspective. Having said that, there's always room for better choices I think.
I agree. Hopefully we can make the better choices because of our experiences.
We? You and I? I reckon we can, and have probably made many good ones in the past also.
We, as in me, and humankind as a whole. I can include you in that too if you want haha
It's been said I'm from another planet...I never deny it. 😂