I think it takes a lotta strength to share what you did, and to be so open in an online medium. I hope it helped you find some order in your thoughts, and feel lighter. I really do <3 healing can be hard, but in the end, so ultimately rewarding.
I am not sure that another man would like to date a woman who is still trying to get over and heal from her former relationship.
I'm not sure that would be desirable for you, either. If you're not over the first guy, I think you'd inevitably compare the new guy, which would be unfair, and wouldn't let you build something strong and extraordinary with them. Take time to heal, and know you are not alone in this life, even if it may feel like that sometimes <3
Hey! Courage and vulnerability are necessary for a post like this. I feel like often we can believe someone is ok just because they post something in the online medium. Work related, art related or just miscellaneous. I was not ok. But we can always pretend that we are . I felt I was ready to share some of the more personal nuances of my life, beyond the mundane work related stuff. As we all deal with issues.
Because I do not want to make someone suffer as I did I am not dating anyone. And being with someone who does not love you is just devastating for the heart, nobody should ever put themselves in this position. This is why I believe therapy is better. Because I want to understand what I'm feeling and why and what can I do about it. The guy moved on and he looks happy. Despite what he did and how I suffered because of some of his behaviour, I am happy that he is ok. But I am not. And I know that I tried a lot on my own to solve my pain and I did not work. So I can't do this on my own or escaping through work or other distractions. So I will just continue therapy in the hopes that I will manage to forget and heal my heart. Thank you for reading me and for your advices 🤗