The saying that once you leave something, it leaves you is soo accurate lol.
Like you, I had to take a break from hive for some time cuz of personal reasons. The break I took wasn't an overly long one but I'm still trying to align my body and mind to get used to this being normal all over again. I still haven't made any posts since my return, I'm just tryna ease into it by engaging and catching up with everything I missed. I have no doubt I'll be back to normal in no time.
It isn't always easy for me to find balance between hive and my life off hive but I still manage somehow.
I'm in desperate need of a clone lol. Having one will make my life a whole lot easier and I'd be able to give attention to everything I'm doing without missing out on any. But...seeing as this isn't possible I still have to go on and hope I don't burn out or give up cuz of how overwhelming it can all seem.
Welcome back and congrats on completing your NYSC🤗❤️
Thank you @kamarah . I find that I'm gradually coming back and making more efforts to keep my blog renewed. I think readjustment takes a bit of time and could well be a crossroad between giving up and continuing. Thanks for this lovely comment.