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RE: Over the River and Through the Woods: Never on a Sunday

in ThoughtfulDailyPost3 years ago

What?! 😄Hello @dswigle! 💖 I've been so busy lately offline that it's a struggle to catch up on Hive... Still, I have to say hi to my favourite Hive people, then I remember I'd not come by to wish you a happy new year! 😳

Beautiful, calming words, as always. I couldn't agree more with these words —

There was so much that I have to be grateful for in the last year; so many people to be thankful for, so many wonderful moments, so much,so many.

2021 came with its challenges but we also had lovely, joyful moments. They make up good memories we can always fall back on... So yes, we have a lot to be thankful for. In reflection, we should focus more on them rather than the painful moments.

I hope you had a wonderful new year celebration. I wish you an amazing 2022 filled with more joyful moments!
Happy new year! 🥂


Thank you! You are so kind and truly sweet. It was a challenging year, but, I never miss the lessons learned. I do have much to be thankful for, firstly with staying healthy, along with my entire family.

The celebration was in keeping with the COVID restrictions, but, it was nice and there were fireworks in the neighborhood. :)

Happy New Year to you! I hope that life has been good to you!! You HAVE been busy!

Hehe, yes. Life has been good to me and I have a lot to be thankful for too.
Thank for your lovely comment. 🙂

❤️ Thank you. My pleasure!