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RE: Grief Coming in Waves

in ThoughtfulDailyPost5 months ago

I have found the lost ones are with me more after they pass, I just need to let them be there. Memory is time travel. Be with him. He will now never leave your side, and was on that board with you when you cross step xoped.

Lovely shots of him. I can feel his life force.

May you dream of him often.


Oh @owasco ... His physical present is still very much here. When I was surfing the other day I was thinking of his big hairy arms paddling next to me 🤣 It's a very painful week. Music helps - his music. Mornings are ROUGH.

Would you mind curating a bit over the next week in Hive Garden? I'm struggling to do it. There's some new comment templates to use if you like.

Yes of course. I'm sorry I've been so absent.

Thanks so much, I really appreciate it and wouldn't ask unless I was super struggling as I know you've been busy too. Xx really thankyou xx

I'm sorry I didn't think to offer to do it myself! I'll keep it simple though. Just gave a run through.