Eh eh don't worry, I figured you were busy, no problem🤗
Yes, in this we are equal I can sleep anywhere and in any situation and above all, I love to sleep.
Now, for example, I finished work early and I treat myself to a two-hour nap so I can be active in the afternoon eh eh!
Yes I think it's called roadie, nonn touring because I was always working with different artists and saw so many amazing performances.
Only a couple of times I fell asleep under the stage, when the tiredness was really too much lol!
In general I preferred to see the artists' performances, I also happened to be able to stand right above the stage while they performed, for a couple of times I was assistant to the sound engineers 😍
A big hug to you and your friend 🤗
Always be strong and united I am close to you with my heart ❤️