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it only adds to the confusion that kids are now schooled in so-called "sexual matters" by a government agenda that is worldwide, completely ignores and negates the energetic and biological qualities of men and women, tosses it all into a tumbler and then markets that as progress and tolerance. only parents should decide how when and what their children should learn in this regard.

it is dangerous indoctrination at a fragile age (not when the kid's natural question comes up) while the real quality of initiation (meaning introducing ideas and concepts) can and should only come by those we have closest ties with (our family), rather than public school systems who teach an outright life-adversarial curriculum.

i feel also that in that modernity we have all but lost the capacity to differentiate, we mix up concepts and ideas all the time. everything has been watered down and confused so it's nearly impossible to see actuality any longer. to me what is taught in many western schools today is way more questionable than allowing a child to witness sex between his parents after it has clearly communicated that interest in learning about it. not before. not when it turns 3 (or whenever kindergarten deems it right). and not in the life-affronting way these concepts are introduced today in public.

saying 'kids should probably witness sex first and only between their parents' will sound like modern blasphemy to people, outright unacceptable. but then preschoolers are taught about the most unnatural sex practices against their (and their parents) will and that then is somehow tolerant and modern. or kids get on the inernet and see the most horrendous videos and try that with their peers thinking that is the way adults "do that sort of thing".

it really is quite remarkable what a minefield sexuality is today, and yet: how audacious some trends exist and persist that directly attack the most vulnerable members of society constantly without much public outcry.


Hey, thank you for visiting my blog :)

Yes, the theorist's first mistake is to teach even more theory. He thinks that a government programme in schools is capable of teaching children about sexuality. When only living experience of authentic action in a coherent setting is capable of teaching children about it. No drag queens or read-aloud teachers who are proud that you have to guess their sex.

only parents should decide how when and what their children should learn in this regard.

That's right. But parents need the help of the wider circle of relatives and other adults who are not eager to teach and preach but who live as relaxed adults, giving natural examples.

saying 'kids should probably witness sex first and only between their parents' will sound like modern blasphemy to people, outright unacceptable.

:D LoL, you are probably right. Since it is no practice any more and families don't share one room, one cannot make it happen in an artificial way, it has to be organic or nothing else. It would be odd if mom and dad would allow their toddler witnessing them making love on purpose. It has to happen without purpose.

Now, I can say that this one factor can be compensated if the others are vibrant and anchored in the culture. I was raised in a village where I was attending weddings, church gatherings, funerals, rituals of how to attract the opposite sex and serene traditions in which benevolent mockery of the still unmarried singles were taking place. It was not that I was aware of all those things, but just sucked them up. The odds when puberty hit, were neither in too much focus, nor totally ignored. It was somewhat balanced - though I wished in retrospect, having been even more familiarized into womanhood by the time I started to bleed.

Actually, I myself supported, without really thinking deeply into it, a feminist position. Until I became a mother. I parroted all the slogans and whatnot and must admit that my own role modeling was not the best one. Now I am doing my best to repair what mistakes I have made.

attack the most vulnerable members of society constantly without much public outcry.

I'd say the outcry is there. When I talk to peoples on the street or sniff the atmosphere where I go, conservative notions can be heard. In the Internet, there are many broadcasters picking up on that topic.

If conservative traditions are not revived or being established again, I would not know where kids can witness those. I think we have to strengthen the positive qualities of long term relations, marriage and family planning and have to make it attractive and fun. To be proud of and to get inspiration from.

yeah more and more people are rightly mad about the encroachment on the youngest but then there are many people who simply take it as 'modernity', in other words they will accept anything that is fashionable.

well, that was super interesting, thanks for sharing all those thoughts. i will be pondering this more

blessings to you <3

many people who simply take it as 'modernity', in other words they will accept anything that is fashionable.

Most likely. That is why one hates it to play the bad cop, since you know that's gonna happen.
Now, I admit that society let me play the hedonistic chick for quite a long time. And that I now have to pay that back in becoming the conservative spoil sport who "suddenly" changes her course (not so sudden, actually, but you know what I mean).

My man uses to say that "if you are a Hippy by twenty-two, that's great. If you remain being one with fifty-six, that's ridiculous." (And you can be justifiably mocked :D)

Be blessed, as well :)