Hello back, dear soul. No... not easy at all. It was just my Mom and I, as I grew up without a Dad; no reason to explain. It just was what it was. So she was my example of what we are to be as humans. Seeing her in this new state is quite a lot to take. We take each day as it comes, and my fiance and I do our best, to make sure she is loved, cared for, and treated with dignity. Now... about the photos. I run on less than 2houts sleep a day, dealing with my MS and other Health Issues. Let alone acting as a Caregiver now too. I don't expect anyone to say what device they used, or lenses, or how long they stood on one foot LOL. But I tried to keep my guidelines simple...
OperaGX Snapshot from my Thoughtful Daily Post: About
Terminal Discord Server
I used to have a Samsung Galaxy S9. That's what I took all my photos with. But I got it brand new in 2018. The battery gave out, so I had to get another phone. I was graciously sent a BLU G91 Pro a few years ago. But it didn't match my carrier. So, I got a really decent deal on a Samsung Galaxy S22 Ultra. I am a tech geek LOL, so I looked up your phone. Wow... very nice. The point is, you told me what the phone was... that means YOU took the photo. All I really want is if folks take the photos, that they say so. I will visit you with my Curation Account. Again... just trying to spread the vibe of Original Content.
3: We require that all photos in the community are sourced. This means linking directly back to the public domain site that you used, or stating that your photos are your own.
With so much going on with AI, Plagiarism, Account Theft... I just want to be sure everyone knows the photos are either taken from a reputable site like Unsplash, Pixabay, etc, with proper sourcing. Or if the photos are original/personal. That folks know they are Yours. If I let one person slide... then I have to let everyone slide. So I just tried to keep the guidelines simple and relaxed. I hope that makes sense... Love and light dear soul...
I'm really sorry about your Mum.. 💕💕💕💕 Big hugs xxx
I understand. AI and plagiarism drive me nuts too. My Oppo is awesome. I got it refurb so it wasn't as expensive. The new models aren't as good as this older one!