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RE: Welcome to my "office"

in Disabilities3 years ago

Thanks so much for that Wes. Yours is one of those comments that I couldn't really do justice to when I was still on the mobile, so now that I'm home again, I'll give it a shot.

"That's a sweet office!"

I know, right?! I bring some pillows with me to sit on, and I can have a siesta whenever I feel like it. Being retired and disabled isn't all bad, I guess. 😜

"I send you and your wife nothing but love and positive energy..."

Thank you, we both really appreciate that, and send the same back to you and yours.

"...with a chemical called Trichloroethylene..."

I'm pretty sure that I have heard of that, or seen a movie about it, something like the Erin Brockovich story or similar. Oh, that's right, it was called A Civil Action, starring John Travolta and Robert Duval. Sounds like some really nasty stuff.

"I'd rather be remembered by how many tacos I could eat, than the smell of my gas afterwards"

Words to live by! Some sage wisdom right there. Maybe sage is a little too mild, perhaps peppermint or lavender would work better. Anyway, lovely to meet you here on the social blockchain. I'd be surprised if we hadn't crossed paths when I was last around this way, but I'm old and forgetful, and can't remember everyone, unfortunately. Nice that we met this time around though.


!giphy Bad Memory!

This is something that I still have to learn about since returning to the social blockchain. I don't recall there being this many cool reply bots back then. And I see that some of them can be used to gift NFT's and stuff with. More for me to catch up on.