I like your office! 😁 Does your wife not have an account on Hive yet? Or is is not spelled correctly? Whenever I click on @frittni in any of your posts, I get an error. 😕
I like your office! 😁 Does your wife not have an account on Hive yet? Or is is not spelled correctly? Whenever I click on @frittni in any of your posts, I get an error. 😕
That is the correct spelling, I just haven't made it for her yet. I plan to set up an account for her later, with a delegation of my own for her, once I am more established here on HIVE. It isn't a high priority, as she is unlikely to use it much, it will just be a placeholder. My wife is a self-confessed technophobe. When we met, she had an old 486 computer that a relative had given her a few years before, and it was still in its box, untouched! These days she is competent with Facebook, but technology is still really not her thing.