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RE: Poisons, Potions, And Programming … All Part Of Global Control Experimentation

in Palnet2 years ago

"No one laughs at God in a hospital, no one laughs at God in a war"- "Laughing With" by Regina Spektor.


Oh, God, that tool of mass manipulation to control the gullible. Ever heard what George Carlin says about God?

Indeed. And he's absolutely right. People that believe that God is some kind of Jiminy Cricket (as Regina mentions in her song) have a completely ridiculous image of the creator. Carlin grew up Catholic, which not only expounds this very idea - "indulgences" that somehow "forgive your sins", for example, and adds a layer of idolatry, pomposity and hierarchy to that mangled image, and I won't even mention the most nefarious doings of said "religion".

However, the fact that evil men exist simply asserts that there is an Absolute Good and an Absolute Evil. If there weren't we'd be perfectly happy pushing each other down flights of stairs for our own whimsy. Where does the Good come from? Amino acids? :)