Poisons, Potions, And Programming … All Part Of Global Control Experimentation

in Palnet2 years ago
Authored by @Dollar Vigilante

Poisons, Potions, And Programming … All Part Of Global Control Experimentationby @dollarvigilante on The Dollar Vigilante View my bio on Vigilante.TV: https://vigilante.tv/c/tdv_main_channel

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***** Sources for this video *****

Intro vid:

Biden Fake Neck:
~~~ embed:1688682453660037120?s=20 twitter metadata:c2ltb25hdGViYXx8aHR0cHM6Ly90d2l0dGVyLmNvbS9zaW1vbmF0ZWJhL3N0YXR1cy8xNjg4NjgyNDUzNjYwMDM3MTIwfA== ~~~

German Weather Forecast Fire on Screen:

UN Global Boiling:
~~~ embed:1686101901555716097?s=20 twitter metadata:SHVtYW5ieWRlc2lnbjN8fGh0dHBzOi8vdHdpdHRlci5jb20vSHVtYW5ieWRlc2lnbjMvc3RhdHVzLzE2ODYxMDE5MDE1NTU3MTYwOTd8 ~~~

Check out today’s video..!


Jeff, You are awesome! I appreciate all of your work and videos. Thanks for all the amazing lessons you have taught over the years!

I too prayed when my mum, which didn't take a single covid shot, was dying of covid at home. Praying to a creator that doesn't exist didn't help my mum against a disease that you say that doesn't exist. She passed away. Neither me nor my family took any covid jabs by the way. We are not retarded. The right explanation is that the psychopaths that governed us mutated a virus to have an excuse to inject us with their poison and impose vaccine passports. I caught covid as well. As I stated before, I haven't taken a single covid shot and I was quite ill. I lost like 2 stone in two weeks and don't give me the bullshit that I became toxic because my cat was coughing as well and was behaving really weird. Are you going to tell me that both me and my cat became toxic at the same time coincidently? That being said the danger posed to humanity by covid-19 was greatly exaggerated to force people into compliance. They are not going to release a lethal virus that could kill Bill Gates, are they? But a virus a little bit worse than flu is something that sounds quite plausible at least to me. By the way, Del Bigtree hasn't had that scammer Dr Kauffman on his show yet. He can see that the man is a fraud, unlike you, Jeff.

...consider researching sympathetic resonance ;)

First off, Del Bigtree DID in fact have him on his a show on 7.16.20 as "The most requested guest"

He also had Dr. Thomas Cowan on as well. Check out the others in the Terrain/ No Virus Camp on th@ section of my CONvID 19(84) GooTube playlist.

Did u check out my other links I sent u in my last reply a few Jeff B's videos ago?! There are many anomalies, phenomena, & other explanations many in this camp HAVE covered. Go back & learn (maybe unlearn) & maybe see the cognitive dissonance unfold...

That being said, I'm not denying you or your cat weren't sick. I'm also very sorry to hear of your Mother's passing. At least she wasn't subjected to the hospital death protocols?
Even though Del Bigtree has had these 2 doctors on, & has been confronted numerous Xs on the issue, he still continues to push fwd on 'the virus' narrative because it allows his show to keep going on supporting these narratives. W/o the fraud of viroLIEgy, NO QUACKCCINE would EVER BE NECESSARY...THE HOUSE OF CARDS WOULD FALL!! BTW, in the most recent of Derrick Broze & John Bush's 3rd GREATER RESET summit, Del stated in the beginning of his talk, "I think its ALL BULLSHIT!" (in reference to the Germ vs Terrain & existence of viruses).

Lastly, check out from my last reply 2u the 2 links th@ get u to the name Christine Massey- her interviews (was also a module on the recent End of Covid summit). Again, she was the one who sent out 213+ FOIAs which revealed the fact th@ no Gub't institutions have an isolated 'Sars Cov2' 'virus.'

It wasn't just my mum, my dad and my uncle got ill as well but my mum was the worse and she is the one that didn't make it. The idea that a pathogen is passing on from one person to the other makes sense and perfectly explains my personal experiences. The germ theory perfectly explains children getting ill at chickenpox parties as well. So, if, God forbid, a dog foaming at the mouth bit you, you wouldn't take the rabies vaccine? And again, I am not a vaccine enthusiast but I am not a lunatic either. Jeff asked for proof that the virus exist other than PCRs and I posted my comment because I got quite ill and as I have already said, my mum passed away. I know what if feels like to have a non stop dry cough for three weeks and seeing my cat coughing outside of my room. I know what it feels like to be so drained that even going to the toilet to pee is challenging and finally I know what it feels like to hear my mum over the phone coughing almost puking her lungs being unable to see her because we lived on opposite sides of the Atlantic and I didn't know whether to by a flight ticket or send them money so that my mum could get admitted to hospital. So, with all due respect don't waste your time sending me stuff that I won't read because I am pretty sure of what I went through and it wasn't that we were "toxic"

You need to read up on EMFs and their direct impact upon everyone living on this planet. Try reading The Invisible Rainbow, The Contagion Myth, Good-Bye Germ Theory, then finally Virus Mania.
They have been lying to us for many years to sell us drugs we don’t need for things that don’t exist. The only ways you get ill is what you drink, what you eat, what you inject and what you breathe in, and with that last one I don’t mean non existent air born pathogens like viruses. Watch the full list of virology on trial if you have time https://www.bitchute.com/playlist/fyWqnLAEuo2G/

The only thing that got released was high level well organised propaganda to install fear into the minds of the believers and make them believe something was released. The invisible killer is actually 5G, its a wolf in sheeps clothing and affects more than you can imagine and does indeed give you symptoms like the ones that were described at that time.
I have a lot of information on 5G and its effects on the body.
These cretins know full well what they are doing, they just need to keep the public ignorant for as long as possible.

...bruh the stroller's inner color scheme is a conspiracy XD

"No one laughs at God in a hospital, no one laughs at God in a war"- "Laughing With" by Regina Spektor.

Oh, God, that tool of mass manipulation to control the gullible. Ever heard what George Carlin says about God?

Indeed. And he's absolutely right. People that believe that God is some kind of Jiminy Cricket (as Regina mentions in her song) have a completely ridiculous image of the creator. Carlin grew up Catholic, which not only expounds this very idea - "indulgences" that somehow "forgive your sins", for example, and adds a layer of idolatry, pomposity and hierarchy to that mangled image, and I won't even mention the most nefarious doings of said "religion".

However, the fact that evil men exist simply asserts that there is an Absolute Good and an Absolute Evil. If there weren't we'd be perfectly happy pushing each other down flights of stairs for our own whimsy. Where does the Good come from? Amino acids? :)

is the earth flat contrary to the heliocentric model (globe earth model) ? I really wanna ask here and gain a response from someone who knows the real science.

Yes, it is. The flat Earth is nonsense and it can easily be proven to be so by the fact that by the time it is getting dark in Japan and it is getting light in Europe which suggest that the Earth is at best cylindrical. No, if you take into account that during the winter it gets darker quicker the further you move to the North that implies a curvature along the vertical axis and therefore it has to be a sphere. If you want more sophisticated arguments I can tell you more.

Sorry, I meant "Now" not "No"

Good video Jeff as always...feel you're like a brother to me and definitely on the same page in the spiritual aspect. Obama real name that I've heard and seen some evidence on is Barry Sortano... I don't have the spelling of his last name but it's phonetic, lol. His parents were CIA out of Africa...
Anyway I wish you'd have links to every video in your talks. Please and thanks. Also shall do on your Jones Plantation advice 😁... ✌ brother.