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RE: Poisons, Potions, And Programming … All Part Of Global Control Experimentation

in Palnet2 years ago

You need to read up on EMFs and their direct impact upon everyone living on this planet. Try reading The Invisible Rainbow, The Contagion Myth, Good-Bye Germ Theory, then finally Virus Mania.
They have been lying to us for many years to sell us drugs we don’t need for things that don’t exist. The only ways you get ill is what you drink, what you eat, what you inject and what you breathe in, and with that last one I don’t mean non existent air born pathogens like viruses. Watch the full list of virology on trial if you have time

The only thing that got released was high level well organised propaganda to install fear into the minds of the believers and make them believe something was released. The invisible killer is actually 5G, its a wolf in sheeps clothing and affects more than you can imagine and does indeed give you symptoms like the ones that were described at that time.
I have a lot of information on 5G and its effects on the body.
These cretins know full well what they are doing, they just need to keep the public ignorant for as long as possible.