Indeed the bigger the change the bigger the feeling to change.
You nailed it!
This article was just about me and my demons ... geez! feel that fear factor??... it's cray cray trust me!... I am and still battling with those demons that constantly puts fear into me after I have done quite a series of imaginations ...then it puts me to hold!
In that isolation, I fight them constantly telling them back off I need to pull that making peace with those little demons and decluttering as you said is a way out of it.Oh! I have a way out... well planned and laid...okay execute number one tasks it's a big step and the major one that once activated it will drive the other tasks to follow.... but making that big move it's something else...I agree with @geelocks the combination of both the fear of failing and paralyzes me.
I hope we all find that lasting peace and overcome our demons @cescajove
It's important we stay hopeful at all times... thank you geelocks☺️