We are a family of six siblings—three boys and three girls.
Wow, seems your parents and mine planned it because that's our number too, hehehehe. Unlike your family where the girls were left to do all the chores, mine, everyone learnt how to do every single chore in the house. I can't remember hearing this chore is for a boy or a girl, you must do all. All my brothers know how to take care of the home. Infact my elder brother started out as a chef before he switched business.
Every child should be trained in knowing how to take care of the home because one day, they will leave home to start a new life and if they aren't grounded in the affairs of the home, adjusting may not be so easy.
Came through #dreemport
That's the way to go... every experience matters..no one knows how the experience can be of great help in the future....the gender that palava shouldn't be encouraged at all