Well, men tends to make a boast outside to their follow friend when they married their wife as a virgin.
It is dignity to a woman, and a very strong pride to a man having known that no one has touch his wife before. It is just these days that things has change. But virginity both in man and woman was really a gift and a pride.
Talking of sexual capability and compatibility, you will never know your sexual capacity, if you had kept yourself and married as a virgin. Again you will not try to judge weather the man is compactable or not, because you don't have any other person you can compare him to; you will think and believe that, that is how it is normally, until you brake the rules by cheating on him with another man, only then will you be able to measure the strength and compatibility. Note; cheating is not an advice.
Yea. It is a pride for the woman ,not her believing any man would cherish her just because of that. If her man eventually appreciates her for that ,fine, but if not ,she won't be disappointed. A man can cherish you wholeheartedly whether you are or not a virgin. Thanks for engaging