For the last three years I have liver issues, it is idiopathic, they have no clue what is wrong, for the last year the condition became permanent. I suffer pain and exhaustion on daily level, still have to do all my tasks and take care for my kid who has an auto immune diabetes. My doctor was against vaccination from the start, I agree with that and I will certainly NOT put my health at risk so that somebody feels more secure with the unchecked vaccine that doesn't even work. Fully vaccinated people get sick, it doesn't do anything. Lines in front of my local hospital disappeared at the first news of it. My life, like anyone's, is more important to me than their fears. Everybody puts personal existence and own family benefit in front of anything and anyone else. I don't see a reason why would I do differently and why would anyone in the same situation like me just choose to die. Nobody will die for me.