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RE: This Election Cycle Is Like None I Have Seen Before

And the Repulsivekins…

The Repulsivekin party is now two parties, MAGA and whatever the "old guard" gets named.

Trump is now an idea. I doubt it will go away if bullet #3 finds its way home.

I would say that Am Civ War 2 is on, or maybe it is AmRev 2?
I just don't know how the media is going to spin it. Where are the flash points?

In the end, The US breaks apart, and then the cities die/burn to the ground, and then what? We become a new America as we get back together?


I can see some protest popping up whichever way things go but I can't really see it going to a full on civil war because like you said where would be the flash points? I just feel like people will bunker down for the most part and have to go to work the next day to try to keep up with all the bills.

I could see the cities being pretty destroyed. Kind of an ramped up Black Lives Matter / Antifa scenario. I could see the Proud Boys and Militia groups fortifying but I think to avoid a civil war they will start WW3 as a distraction. Our controllers might launch Nukes at Russian targets.

Things can ramp up fast though when things go out of control like the song depicts! lol