There are three possible outcomes, that i have pondered, from this The US presidential election.
Usually, it is just two clowns in suits arguing over trivialities, and the sides usually just swap places every 8 years. This time it is different.
Horrible Harris has gone from dead last in the polls with Sleepy Joe leading, to being the favorite in ALL polls, since Brandon has dropped out. She didn't even place in her state, now she is selected (not elected) presidential nominee for the Dumbocraps.
Chump has been shot at twice, and the media is saying that it was his fault and/or that he planned it.

The propaganda is now turned up to 111

The setup
T.H.E.Y., those mother WEFers are trying to destroy America. Divide and conquer is the name of the game. And so they have pushed WOKEism to the limits where now women rejoice in killing their children and MAP is within the Overton window.
Unfortunately, this is a line too far for many. And all it takes is a populous presidential candidate to solidify all the conservatives.
The mother WEFers are playing a game where they win. If the WOKEians win, they lose as they self destruct, and if the WOKEians lose, they lose as they burn down all their cities.
The WOKEians consider everyone who is non-woke as the enemies. Enemies who it is an honor to die battling. Because the WOKE ideal of "peace on earth" through everyone becoming identical is an ideal to die defending.
T.H.E.Y. have been peddling WOKEism in schools and universities for decades, just ask @yuribezmenov. The funding for this, and its predecessor, Feminism, is bottomless. T.H.E.Y. have all the money in the world.
So, T.H.E.Y. destroy the nation's principals, morals and history. (why didn't all those statue destroyers get maximum prison times? Why weren't the statues put back? Because the group with the money wanted the history destroyed)

And here's the rub
The conservatives, well it is not really the conservatives, it is the anti-WOKE. They are a group, more about having enough morals within themselves to understand that this destruction is wrong.
This group of people are usually silent, preferring to live/manage their own lives.
And the problem with this group is they usually have no goal, no motivation.
Much of this group is now behind M.A.G.A. Some are behind Trump, Some are behind the motto. The motto, because this group is sold on "the good ole days". (MAGA believe that America was great, and want to return to that time, however, they do not know why America was great, and so, can never find a way back, or forward)
What changes is when this group has a focus.
The "illegal-alien-migrants" are an army. Many of them were trained and then snuck through the border. Where, they are now waiting to be used to cause fear.
At some point, they will do something so heinous, that the conservatives decide enough is enough and chase them south, out of the country. (The incident will probably be along the lines of a community of houses is set on fire, while they surround it and shoot anyone who tries to flee the fire. This will make Americans really pissed. And it will be recorded, so all get to see it.)
Police will not be able to stop this group from evicting the criminal immigrants. If they stand in the way, they will die. So, i suggest the thin blue line hides during this time.

The Election
If we compare Trump rally attendees with Kamala rally attendees, then Trump wins the election hands down. Why bother finishing the count. But, we know that things are not this simple. Nor do we believe that the election will be fair, or counted correctly. Nor do rallies seem to match vote results… hmmm.
So, come election night, we will not know who won.
If either Trump or Harris wins, the vote will be challenged.
And it will be a long time in courts before we have an official winner.
But, here is the really scary part. If either of them wins, or is announced as a winner, big things happen.
If Trump wins, the dumbocrap cities burn down, and conservatives therein are burned at the stake. Kamala refuses to step down. Washington DC is locked down.
If Kamala wins, there will be a real January 7th. So big that the military can't do anything about it. In fact, most of the military might put on their civies and join in.
Things are really bad no matter who wins.
Basically, the election is the start of the civil war.

The third option
This one is totally Q conspiracy theory. But there is enough happening, that is following "the plan" that this really might be a thing.
That the election fraud is SOOOO bad, that it is obvious, and the DOJ / military has to step in to squash it.
Or, we are told just how bad the last election was, and that Donald has really been the president for the last four years.
And during that time, many high level criminals have been picked up, and tried in a military court. Things are being dismantled. Those mother WEFers are being rounded up and locked up.
But, is this really happening? Maybe. There are signs of certain people being traded out for actors, and other weird things like Sleepy Joe has never been shown to be in the White House.
So, the third possibility is that the military, or the Supreme Court, or both, state that the elections were complete fraud, and everyone in govern-cement are now un-elected.
We know so little about this 3rd option, that all we can do is speculate. And although this option will be a little less fiery than the other options, i do not know if it will be more peaceful.

I believe that there will be a break up of The United States.
Washington will leave the union. (or Texas, if the election goes the other way)
Florida gets wiped out in a man-made tidal wave. Earthquakes and floods change where the ocean is in California.
And, on top of that, we will have some kind of civil war. But that will probably be short lived as the MAGA are already on the move from getting rid of the immigrants. Once they are going, nothing will stand in their way.
Then Trump moves the capital of America west.
Wall street crumbles under a massive bond tsunami, as the debt comes back to roost.
Expect pandemonium. Make sure you have extra food stocked up.
Nothing will be the same.
Or maybe, Trump wins, and control of power is handed over nicely, and T.H.E.Y. wait patiently for four more years to continue their plans. Or maybe Trump IS their plan.
The Repulsivikins are just as manipulatable.

Trump has been a Democrat all his life, as have Kennedy and Gabbard, until running for President. The very definition of RINOs.
My friend you have commingled October 7th with January 6th, in a most Freudian slip.
Unfortunately, it was a specific error, because i didn't want to say the real name, to stay out of certain searches.
And yes, Trump is a democrat. Reagan era type, big business type.
The only difference about Trump is he is a business man, as opposed to a politician.
If Trump is being used by the "white hats", then i hope those theories work out.
Else, he is, as you say, a RINO, and what's all this hubbub about?
Why should he grow a short bristly mustache?
MIGA is not a white hat policy plank. It is ubiquitous in all presidential campaigns except for Dr. Shiva's. I appreciate your search fu. Stay safe out there!
I wouldn't mind the US breaking into multiple separate countries honestly, it can't happen with our current laws though. Texas has been threatening to leave for as long as I have been alive but can't do so without I believe 2/3 of the states voting to approve such a departure.
The first one to leave will be Washington, with the help of blue helmets.
It's very hard to say overall but I know it has cost a lot of people a ton of mental energy worrying about this election. It certainly does seem like a tipping point and with the debt where it is we are in serious trouble. All the promises made will actually add to inflation but maybe Elon could get in there and flush out the waste like an enema like he did with Twitter. Somewhat of our best hope and there certainly has been an increase in distrust since the Scamdemic. The citizens are all that stands in the way of the NWO. A significant fraction of people are questioning what they are being told. Kamala and Mark Cuban have been getting ripped to shreds on Twitter. Hahhaha A lot of the Brandon and Comrade supporters are staying silent or died 30 years ago but are secretly registered.
Literally, this race is between two Dumbocraps.
So, why indeed are people so worked up?
It is really two ideologies going head to head.
And the media is working up this rift.
What will happen after this election? The only good result will be something like, "the election failed, will try again."
Poor Kamala, got into office when the internet didn't forget. So much skeletons in that closet.
It is funny how much of a mind fuck this has been for the Dumbocraps. RFK Jr has been a democrat. Young Elon voted for Brandon last election. Trump was greasing the Clinton's palms in the past but it is so strange how people react to these various parties and what they are doing. One minute Elon is a hero for Tesla and the next minute he says Brandon is asleep an he is public enemy number 1 for the Blue Ballers.
And the Repulsivekins…
The Repulsivekin party is now two parties, MAGA and whatever the "old guard" gets named.
Trump is now an idea. I doubt it will go away if bullet #3 finds its way home.
I would say that Am Civ War 2 is on, or maybe it is AmRev 2?
I just don't know how the media is going to spin it. Where are the flash points?
In the end, The US breaks apart, and then the cities die/burn to the ground, and then what? We become a new America as we get back together?
I can see some protest popping up whichever way things go but I can't really see it going to a full on civil war because like you said where would be the flash points? I just feel like people will bunker down for the most part and have to go to work the next day to try to keep up with all the bills.
I could see the cities being pretty destroyed. Kind of an ramped up Black Lives Matter / Antifa scenario. I could see the Proud Boys and Militia groups fortifying but I think to avoid a civil war they will start WW3 as a distraction. Our controllers might launch Nukes at Russian targets.
Things can ramp up fast though when things go out of control like the song depicts! lol