College was everything i expected of High School.
And i took a lot of college. Drafting, Architecture, Engineering, CS and all the other course you have to take.
I got a B in the easiest course ever, aced all the tests, but he changed one test to a written essay, that was supposed to be due at a future time… but was now.
All the CS was a waste. And, most big programming firms are tying to hire kids out of HS, to train them up proper.
Most engineering is a waste of time. It is outdated, and they don't teach them the real world skills of being able to eye-ball a beam. (how to check if your calcs are correct, or if you slipped a decimal)
After the first year of med school, everything after it is wrong.
So, we really need to revise college back into something that feeds into the industry.
It is a waste of time for almost all people. Especially with ThemTube
HOWEVER! It is because we don't teach. The trivium is grammer, logic and rhetoric. Instead of what we teach today which is rhetoric, then reading, then math. (or, what to think, not how to think)
Life does not give you multiple-choice questions with always one correct answer. Usually there is more than one way to skin a cat. And always, there are many ways to make a mess of it.
So, what college used to be is a substitute for a IQ test (which they made illegal to hire based on)
Now, they let anyone who can pay in.
A college degree is useless. And, like you, i have seen many people NOT hire graduates.
It wasn't always this way. Back when unis had to compete on price and quality they strived to have the best and most useful programs. Then the government got involved and made it accessible to everyone even though it already was, just not the elite schools. Now people are taking out hundreds of thousands of dollars in debt that the lenders are very excited about giving them where in the past a poorer person would have to go to a lessor known university and probably still live with their parents while they did so. Nowadays the kids leave the roost as fast as they can, rack up a ton of debt, and end up boomeranging back into their parents' basement anyway.