Imagine if we separated the colors of the rainbow into colors and meta-colors. Would this be scientific?
Physics and metaphysics are a similar continuum, that really cannot be separated. And this break was done to put science over here, and the church over there. But, now to go forward in understanding our world, we have to put them back together.
God cannot be proven in our current "scientific" paradigm. And this by design. We will change this paradigm in the future.
In our current model, we must be able to separate everything into two piles. Lets take a chair. So, we define chair, and at the same time define not-chair.
God is the universe energy source, God is the water we swim in. There is no place without God. We cannot define not-God, so that we can define and prove God.
For our limited viewpoint, we could replace God with Universe.
All the stuff i just typed is from a Earth centered, modern science point of view.
From a mystic point of view, you can get to know God. You can have a relationship with God. You can talk with God. You can absolutely know that God exists. But it is, and has to be, a personal journey.
Now, we take scientists' point of view for many things they say are true (and beyond ourselves to verify), do we take mystics' point of view about God?
Do we give up on the silly wording of, "God cannot be proven, therefor God doesn't exist"? That is not a scientific statement, and spiritual people of the future will be rubbing it in atheists faces, like atheists of today try to mock Christianity for their "unscientific belief".
This is a false claim. Colors and 'metacolors' are separable - cannot not be separated - because colors exist and fantastic suppositions do not, as colors are quantifiable, lending themselves to reckoning impossible to any other assertions, of ur-colors, anti-blacks, or white voids.
This is not potentially true. 'Not-chair', whatever it may be, is definitely indefinite, because reality is ineffable to mere obscene globs of glop. You know you cannot claim such knowledge as all that is not-chair.
No scientist - no actual scientist - claims 'God does not exist.' That is just as insuperable as claims that God is your nose. Atheism is just as much a faith as any other religious tradition, and has just as voluminous a scientific basis - which is none at all - as any fanciful assertion of falsehoods.
Science simply means knowledge. Knowledge of the unknowable is provably disproved.
I do not expect less of you than I know you to be capable of. Nail benders and thumb detectors must by necessity grasp that reality is painfully real. Physics written in scars does not betray you.