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RE: Science Got It Wrong At the Very First Question

"...cannot be separated."

This is a false claim. Colors and 'metacolors' are separable - cannot not be separated - because colors exist and fantastic suppositions do not, as colors are quantifiable, lending themselves to reckoning impossible to any other assertions, of ur-colors, anti-blacks, or white voids.

"...define not-chair."

This is not potentially true. 'Not-chair', whatever it may be, is definitely indefinite, because reality is ineffable to mere obscene globs of glop. You know you cannot claim such knowledge as all that is not-chair.

No scientist - no actual scientist - claims 'God does not exist.' That is just as insuperable as claims that God is your nose. Atheism is just as much a faith as any other religious tradition, and has just as voluminous a scientific basis - which is none at all - as any fanciful assertion of falsehoods.

Science simply means knowledge. Knowledge of the unknowable is provably disproved.

I do not expect less of you than I know you to be capable of. Nail benders and thumb detectors must by necessity grasp that reality is painfully real. Physics written in scars does not betray you.