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RE: Our Dreams of the Future Are What Guide Us To New Discoveries… Except…

I have 10 years of college in hard sciences. I learned everything.

I later, learned that everything i learned was wrong.

And then, i spent a long time finding what was true.

Do lifters float, like a brick doesn't? Yes, if constructed correctly, and charged to a high enough voltage, the float.
Do gryoscopes spun up to very high RPMs lose weight? Yes they do.

These are repeatable experiments.

I am really sorry that Tibet is gone. So, you cannot go there and see these things. Like floating rocks. And reincarnation.

We in the west only talk about life after death. Where, in Tibet, they know about reincarnation, and have people ascend almost yearly.

Up next in science will be massless objects. Yep, Modern Materialistic Science is going to get a hernia over this.


"I learned everything."

You prove my point.

I guess i need to be more specific.

I learned everything that was there at college to learn.
But, almost everyone makes the same leap, making me wrong on this end, or that end.

The point I make about human incapacity remains.