"This causes us to look for an anti-mass..."
We have means of overcoming it now. Better is the enemy of good enough. Flying cars are available right now, you just have to make them yourself because overlords don't want us to have any kind of freedom, but instead want to jam us into warrens of bugpods, 15 minute prisons where we are surveilled 24/7 and are limited to walking, unable to transport goods we can't carry by hand afoot.
Your incapacity to understand actual physics doesn't invalidate it. Your hubris causes you to mischaracterize reality to conform to what your feeble understanding is capable of. Note I do not, as you should know by now, mean that as an insult, because I constantly point out that H. sapiens is evolved to estimate the trajectory of a projectile to down prey so we can hunt, not to comprehend the mysteries of the physical reality comprising the universe. The difference between the potential of humans to grasp reality and the difference between genius and idiocy is simply infinity. This isn't a pejorative about you, but an accurate statement about the absolute impossibility of our tiny little brains to encompass the sum of what can be known, what there is to know, about physics.
This is why I point out that humility is the only sound foundation for scientific understanding. This is also why >60% of peer reviewed research published today isn't reproducible, and isn't actually science because of that. Actual scientific experiments must be reproducible because science is only potential to hypotheses that can be disproved, and you can't disprove a claim you can't reproduce experimentally. Don't confuse the propaganda bought and paid for by banksters to derange science into scientism based on faith and dogma that banksters can use to create the AGW alarmism, for example, to increase their power and wealth, with actual scientific research that can be tested and either potentially true if it isn't disproved, or can be disproved and shown that what is true is whatever subset of hypotheses that haven't been disproved yet.
You are right to be upset that propaganda infests our indoctrinations, but fail to humbly recognize what is propaganda and what isn't because you supplant actual reason - as I incessantly point out in my comments - with faith in insuperable dogma. Conceit isn't confidence. It's the actual opposite of confidence, and based on hubris while real confidence is the product of brutal humility that enables understanding our actual limitations and therefore enables us to know our real capabilities.
Free energy and etc. is just fantasy. The universe is a clockwork. The physical interactions cannot be inaccurate, and we can't grasp the actual metrics, but can only estimate them. We have to dial back our expectation of understanding to what we are actually capable of, and that is a lot less than your projections.
I have 10 years of college in hard sciences. I learned everything.
I later, learned that everything i learned was wrong.
And then, i spent a long time finding what was true.
Do lifters float, like a brick doesn't? Yes, if constructed correctly, and charged to a high enough voltage, the float.
Do gryoscopes spun up to very high RPMs lose weight? Yes they do.
These are repeatable experiments.
I am really sorry that Tibet is gone. So, you cannot go there and see these things. Like floating rocks. And reincarnation.
We in the west only talk about life after death. Where, in Tibet, they know about reincarnation, and have people ascend almost yearly.
Up next in science will be massless objects. Yep, Modern Materialistic Science is going to get a hernia over this.
You prove my point.
I guess i need to be more specific.
I learned everything that was there at college to learn.
But, almost everyone makes the same leap, making me wrong on this end, or that end.
The point I make about human incapacity remains.