Will Trump Be the Last The U.S. President Inaugurated?


Right now, there are people working to stop the inauguration ceremony. Further, there are people who are planning to not attend the ceremony. And many other abnormalities in the Capital.

The act of voting rests on ceremony.

If, instead of shaking hands after a good fight/battle/contest, the other party vowed to get even, and decided to move against the competition itself, then that person needs to be removed from the competition, or the competition is meaningless. And that is what many of the dumbocraps (and some repulsivekins) are doing. There is no respect for the vote.

I don't care how good / bad / evil / the right hand of god / literally-hitler Trump is, he won the competition, and throwing a tantrum in the middle of the Capital building is worse than childish. It means the sanctity of voting is through, finished.

And so, if congressional members can't get their act together and work with the newly elected president, then there will not be any more votes. The game cannot commence if one team is just throwing litter onto the field.

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Kamala didn't become President

Many people felt that they would make Horrible Harris the Pres for a month.

Maybe they felt that the play wouldn't work. Not enough people supported Kamala for Pres. Nominee.

Maybe they felt it would cause too many questions being asked. If they admitted Biden was senile, than what about him running for office? What about all his pardons, all of his shipping of money to his son. When did Sleepy Joe become unfit to be the President?

Maybe there was already too much pushback on Wokeness. That she was a female POC doesn't mean much if white males stop rolling over and taking it.

Maybe they felt if Governor Nuissance would be hurt too much by quitting being governor to play VP.

But, whatever it was they made those ruling Obomba and Harris decide to not do this little play is pretty significant.

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January 5th prisoners

What if Trump gets in and pardons all the people who visited the capital that fateful day. It is probably in the works, ready to go on day 1.

What if Trump goes after the DOJ, the FBI and all involved in that fiasco? Could Trump actually get anywhere? Or will bureaucracy prove impenetrable?

What if Trump can't bring the criminal overreach of these institutions to a judicious ending?

If all that evidence gets brought out, and stated as fact to the public, what then? What if dumbocraps say, "they still deserved it. How dare they walk in those halls!"

What if all the evidence comes out, and the Federal Endtable of Intimidation says, "So what? Whatcha gonna do about it?" And basically tells the President that he is not the president.

What then? What if we have an elected president who doesn't have power? Who is told that the Bureau is bigger than the White House.

Basically, the office of the president is pretty much useless. So, why vote for one?

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What if Trump Keeps His Promises and Alienates the congress/the world?

He is going to take back the Panama Canal. And what are the ramifications there? Will Panama be happy? Will China be happy? What can China do? We are already at war with them.

What about ending the Ukraine war? Trump could end by just stopping the funding of it. Or Trump drops out of NATO. Just when NATO needs to step in or completely lose Ukraine. What about all those elite who have plans for Ukraine? They are going to be really upset. Hunter Biden is going to be upset too.

What if Trump actually starts to clean up the legal system? All of those payouts to judges, just comes to an end. The black mailers, and the black mailed are going to be really upset.

What if Trump makes the Infernal Revolting Syndicate superfluous? The biggest thing about import taxes is that they find themselves without a job. The biggest stick that was created to bully the American people will be pretty much out of a job. They are not going to like that.

Basically, Trump could prove that the office of president isn't all that powerful. Or, he destroys everything, and there is no more office of president.

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I believe there will be many shenanigans happening on Inauguration Day.

And this will set the background of everything that follows.
My biggest thoughts are that this will seriously destroy faith in voting. And that leads to civil war.

Other thoughts are that the office of the President is shown to be a sham. Just a puppet, any puppet, including one that is cognitively no there, can be president. They aren't in charge.

Expect chaos and pandemonium, and maybe we will be pleasantly surprised.

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All images in this post are my own original creations.


"...move against the competition itself, then that person needs to be removed from the competition, or the competition is meaningless."

It is instructive to understand how democracy is a swindle, because by grasping how it effects tyranny over an actual majority of a population it becomes understandable how the US Democratic Party has become the most powerful destructive force against democratic ideals it rhetorically claims to promote. Of course, this apparent contradiction wasn't merely allowed to evolve, but has been carefully shepherded by spooks armed with baffled identarians of color, gender, and ills nonspecific as weapons to attack people with. It is sadly rare that humility enables us to grasp our incomprehension of what we are up against, because our rare glimpses of understanding of this or that are so significant to us we ignore the vast ocean of ignorance our little rowboat of understanding bobs on.

Understanding is rare, but wisdom is vanishingly so. The realization that the more we know, the more we know how much we don't know, is literally as scarce as hen's teeth. I myself lack such humility, to my great chagrin and regret. If only I was more convinced I less understood what I think I do, I would better understand my lack of understanding and how to go about understanding more. The hubris of the learned is a curse that prevents them - me - from learning. What we know is true is what prevents us from learning what is actually true, because we are not capable of grasping the totality of reality, and partial descriptions of totality can ONLY be partially wrong, and the proofs revealing facts are as chaotically imperceptible as butterflies to hurricanes only relevant in a view of totality we are incapable of.

Only knowing we don't know enables us to allow others' false claims to know to prevail, and democratic victory enables us to prevail with our false claims. We are the tyrants we must oppose to be free of tyranny in a democracy. Only refusing to rule others enables us to be free. A metaphor is the tyranny of stuff friends of mine suffer due to their wealth. A rich friend owns 11 homes from Mexico to Alaska. He always has a lawn somewhere that needs mowing. Because he attained wealth through hard work and conservation of his capital, he always has to serve his possessions, even if he can be convinced to hire landscape professionals. This is a metaphor for understanding that cannot be outsourced as lawn care can be. The greater our burden of knowledge, the greater the impediment to knowledge it is. Only by being unwilling to rule by our better understanding the fools we oppose can we rule ourselves, and the entire civilized world is centralized and a hierarchy of power we must overcome without seizing, to rule ourselves. This is both impossible and inevitable, as will be demonstrated in due time.

"...the sanctity of voting is through..."

It never existed. It isn't voting that matters. It is what can be voted on. It is difficult to suggest two candidates for American public office more reviled and despised than Trump and Kamala, and this is the real power of democracy in America.

"...there will not be any more votes."

Free men are not ruled by others. As long as there are votes to elect rulers, the voters aren't free, but are ruled. Worse tyranny than we effect ourselves, unfortunately, is what you would prevent. But sovereignty will only exist absent tyranny, and when there are no votes. Ironic.

"The black mailers, and the black mailed are going to be really upset."

We face a constant destruction of civil society the best of us suspect is machine gun fire taking out rebels opposing Building Back Better 15 minute prisons. Out of order chaos emerges, and freedom will be set free when we build it and rule it with an iron fist. It's them or us, and a lot of us are accepting invitations to the hereafter, and not just MAID. We can't free them determined to rule. Only the survivors can live free. Survive, and hope to merit freedom you build.

Eventually all elephants are consumed by microbes.


I'm looking forward to seeing what he can get done in the next 4 years.

Whatever he does, it will be a wild ride.

If he is a whitehat, or a NWO shill, its going to be a wild ride.

I lost faith in the whole psychopathic legal/governmental system that is run by the moneyed psychopaths in control. I withdrew My consent from the whole mess.

Trump is just following the script. Working on a NWO North American Union while, as He did the first time, appointing the swamp.

I hope there is something more, like Trump is being used by the Whitehats.

However, it really does appear that he is following the NWO script.

The words i heard, that seem to be truest, is that Trump was selected to oversee the bankruptcy of The U.S.

What i do know of the future is that most govern-cements balkanize. Whatever Trump does, or plans to do, will move us closer to that.

You do know that "white hats" is a name for 33rd degree masons, right? The "white hats" and the "Q" and the "Anonymous" "movements" are plot elements in the play the hidden hand puts on for Us. Building hopium, and all.

Yes, They want "balkanization" of the planet to draw it all together in one NWO basket.

Trump Appointing the Swamp.png