"...move against the competition itself, then that person needs to be removed from the competition, or the competition is meaningless."
It is instructive to understand how democracy is a swindle, because by grasping how it effects tyranny over an actual majority of a population it becomes understandable how the US Democratic Party has become the most powerful destructive force against democratic ideals it rhetorically claims to promote. Of course, this apparent contradiction wasn't merely allowed to evolve, but has been carefully shepherded by spooks armed with baffled identarians of color, gender, and ills nonspecific as weapons to attack people with. It is sadly rare that humility enables us to grasp our incomprehension of what we are up against, because our rare glimpses of understanding of this or that are so significant to us we ignore the vast ocean of ignorance our little rowboat of understanding bobs on.
Understanding is rare, but wisdom is vanishingly so. The realization that the more we know, the more we know how much we don't know, is literally as scarce as hen's teeth. I myself lack such humility, to my great chagrin and regret. If only I was more convinced I less understood what I think I do, I would better understand my lack of understanding and how to go about understanding more. The hubris of the learned is a curse that prevents them - me - from learning. What we know is true is what prevents us from learning what is actually true, because we are not capable of grasping the totality of reality, and partial descriptions of totality can ONLY be partially wrong, and the proofs revealing facts are as chaotically imperceptible as butterflies to hurricanes only relevant in a view of totality we are incapable of.
Only knowing we don't know enables us to allow others' false claims to know to prevail, and democratic victory enables us to prevail with our false claims. We are the tyrants we must oppose to be free of tyranny in a democracy. Only refusing to rule others enables us to be free. A metaphor is the tyranny of stuff friends of mine suffer due to their wealth. A rich friend owns 11 homes from Mexico to Alaska. He always has a lawn somewhere that needs mowing. Because he attained wealth through hard work and conservation of his capital, he always has to serve his possessions, even if he can be convinced to hire landscape professionals. This is a metaphor for understanding that cannot be outsourced as lawn care can be. The greater our burden of knowledge, the greater the impediment to knowledge it is. Only by being unwilling to rule by our better understanding the fools we oppose can we rule ourselves, and the entire civilized world is centralized and a hierarchy of power we must overcome without seizing, to rule ourselves. This is both impossible and inevitable, as will be demonstrated in due time.
"...the sanctity of voting is through..."
It never existed. It isn't voting that matters. It is what can be voted on. It is difficult to suggest two candidates for American public office more reviled and despised than Trump and Kamala, and this is the real power of democracy in America.
"...there will not be any more votes."
Free men are not ruled by others. As long as there are votes to elect rulers, the voters aren't free, but are ruled. Worse tyranny than we effect ourselves, unfortunately, is what you would prevent. But sovereignty will only exist absent tyranny, and when there are no votes. Ironic.
"The black mailers, and the black mailed are going to be really upset."
We face a constant destruction of civil society the best of us suspect is machine gun fire taking out rebels opposing Building Back Better 15 minute prisons. Out of order chaos emerges, and freedom will be set free when we build it and rule it with an iron fist. It's them or us, and a lot of us are accepting invitations to the hereafter, and not just MAID. We can't free them determined to rule. Only the survivors can live free. Survive, and hope to merit freedom you build.
Eventually all elephants are consumed by microbes.