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RE: How about that FLU vaccine? Did they mysteriously cure the flu...?

in Informationwar4 years ago

Sadly legal challenges don't seem to do all that much these days. Allegations work wonders though if you are against those pushing the "official" narrative. They can destroy our lives with legal challenges based purely upon allegations.

Though I am still waiting to see any of the "official" people that have a legal challenge sent their way held accountable.

It's been awhile since I have seen a fair and balanced justice system and true equal accountability.


There have been a number of legal challenges throughout the plandemic in Europe that have made achievements, such as lifting curfews or the requirement for school children to wear masks and self test. It's just that the media do not report upon them, therefore leading you to believe that they achieve nothing.

There are good people in the legal system who see the madness and are fighting this tooth and nail. Change is going to take time.