I occasionally have my mind send up a little fireworks display that basically says "Hey! You pay attention! What happened to the flu?" Some countries have reported it is almost gone or didn't exist at all for some time.
Yet COVID this and COVID that.
Why? Do you think social distancing and masks that people can pretty much make out of a piece of cloth cured the flu at last?
Can we skip the flu vaccine then?
Or could it be something else?
Are you aware that hospitals (at least in the U.S. I don't know about other countries) were given bonuses for each COVID diagnosis? Are you aware that if they could attribute COVID some way towards the death they got an even bigger bonus?
Yep. That has been the case. Whether it is still the case I can't say.
How do you think that might impact things?
Person comes in with some other coronavirus (they've been around for a long time and were known as one of the "common colds")... Let's call it COVID.
Person comes in with influenza... Let's call it COVID.
Person comes in with Pneumonia... Let's call it COVID.
The Tell Tell Sign...
If you try to find out the statistics for FLU they will gladly give you the numbers for 2019/2020 season since that was predominantly before COVID hit.
However, there is an exception... it is often tracked as a PIC which is Pneumonia, Influenza, Coronavirus rather than breaking them apart.
(Image Source: rochesterregional.org/flu)
With money to be lost... COVID... yes, it is COVID.
This doesn't even cover the laughable information about the number of cycles used in differing circumstances for the RT-PCR test to test for COVID. Use less cycles and less people will test positive for it. Use more cycles and more people will test positive for it. Interestingly enough CDC advised using lower cycles for vaccinated people than everyone else. That would result in artificially lower results than the other people being tested.
Despite this in some places (e.g. UK) a higher percentage of new COVID patients are people who have been vaccinated. (As high as 67% in one report.)
If a test was to be worth anything then the cycles should be the same for everyone in all circumstances. If they are not then the data is immediately corrupted and not worth anything...
Well it is not worth anything to a scientist or doctor... It is worth something to a politician, a big pharmaceutical company trying to push a new drug or vaccine, and doctors who get a nice payout for positive diagnosis...
Yet I am clearly spinning propaganda and misinformation... Me just Joe Bob Nobody Internet Dude is a threat to the free world...
I ask questions.
I observe.
I ask more questions.
I listen.
I decide if what I hear matches observations. Does it answer the questions?
I'm dangerous because I ask questions rather than just blindly accepting what they tell me to think.
You don't need masks, you need masks, you don't need masks, you need masks, you need two masks, you don't need masks anymore, oops and now you need mask again.
Yet the masks don't do diddly to something the size they state COVID is.
If you can smell many odors through the mask then COVID will go right through that sucker if it is actually the size they claim.
The mask is you wearing a little identifier on your face that tells them that you are a "believer". You are a "follower". You are a good person who will believe what they tell you, and do whatever they tell you to do.
If you get out of line they can think of some way to make you afraid again. Fear seems to stop people from thinking clearly. Even very intelligent people.
A: "I am vaccinated... you should be too!!!!"
B: "Does the vaccine work?"
A: "Of course."
B: "Then if you took it why are you worried about me taking it?"
A: "You might get sick."
B: "I am okay with that."
A: "You might die."
B: "I am okay with that as well."
A: "You might make other people sick..."
B: "You said the vaccine works, so how am I supposed to make people sick?"
A: "It might not work perfectly, or their could be variants."
B: "Variants could make the vaccine pointless too assuming you are correct and it actually works."
A: "You might make a child sick."
B: "Considering COVID killed no children that I am aware of UNTIL after they were vaccinated it seems like children will be fine."
A: "You put old people at risk."
B: "They can take the vaccine if they want. If it doesn't work they are old, they are at risk all of the time."
A: "You have no heart. You are selfish."
B: "Look I'm pretty sure I already had it."
A: "So?"
B: "I survived."
A: "So, why are you not getting the vaccine?"
B: "Do you even know what a vaccine is supposed to do?"
A: "Protect you from COVID."
B: "Yes, vaccines try to mimic the immune response that survivors go through without them having to experience the harsh parts of the illness."
A: "That sounds like a good reason to take them."
B: "Take them to do what I already have because I survived and am immune?"
A: "You are not immune without the vaccine."
B: "So I survived which historically is the BEST protection you can have but you think I still need to take this experimental thing that may or may not work that is supposed to do what I already have?"
A: "Yes, that's what the CDC and Fauci say."
B: "Look up Appeal to Authority Fallacy sometime."
A: "Why don't you take the vaccine. We might have to force you."
B: "If you think I am going to voluntarily let you put an EXPERIMENTAL something into my body for something I don't need when no human trials were completed, and there are multiple different vaccines then you better be prepared to knock me out first."
A: "I'm sure that can be arranged."
B: "And when I wake up whether you or I took the vaccine will be the least of your concerns."
A: "What do you mean?"
B: "You won't have to worry about the vaccine hurting you because I'll be hurting you and as many people as I can that were involved in medicating me against my will."
A: "Are you threatening me?"
B: "No. It is a promise. It is what WILL happen if you try to do this against my will.'
A: "Well maybe we'll get your job to fire you."
B: "So be it. I can survive without it."
A: "How can you survive without income?"
B: "At that point if you are treating me like the enemy and like a criminal I might as well be one. I'm sure your house has lots of food."
A: "You are threatening me again...!"
B: "No. As I said it is a promise."
A: "You sound like a threat. Maybe the government should execute people like you."
B: "And the Nazi Concentration Camp guard reveals himself at last. You now show your true colors. Comply or die is it?"
A: "You are the Nazi. You are a fascist!"
B: "You mean because I won't let you inject me with a pharmaceutical cocktail made by a huge biochemical corporation that is in bed with the government?"
A: "Yes."
B: "You need to seriously look into what the word fascist means. Then take a really long hard look in the mirror."
A: "But the vaccine is safe..."
B: "Then why do the companies making them have liability protection only for vaccines as of the 1990s?"
A: "Do they?
B: "Yes. You can't sue them. They have no reason to make their products more safe. If it is a guaranteed sell then how cheap it is to make becomes more important."
A: "And?
B: "Spend some time at VAERS and see if you can learn how to navigate it. They make it intentionally difficult to use. There is a lot there that answers many questions."
A: "What is VAERS?"
B: "Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System. With that I am going to continue with my day... remember my promises. Keep your needles and your mandates to yourself."
My theory is in 3 - 5 years we see a massive spike in cancer in vaxx'd individuals and the Georgia Guide stones eugenics ideal will be too far into it's cycle for the majority to do anything.
I often think of the George Guidestones these days too. This certainly would make those "guidelines" on the stone potentially achievable quickly.
Also the FACT that in many places the people coming down with the new variants of COVID are a higher percentage of VACCINATED people...
For all we know that could be the vaccine making them more vulnerable/causing it. Yet it is convenient if those "Guidestones" are the plan to use the fear from that to scapegoat it on the unvaccinated so more people will take it.
When a French Nobel Laureate Virologist comes out and says he thinks the people that took these vaccines will be dead in 3 years that is a bit concerning. I've read 5 years from others.
I am hoping that is not true. My mother and quite a few other people I care about have taken them.
Also good to hear from you @klye it's been a couple of years.
Hey man! Hope you're holding up well!
The guidestones freak me the fuck out.. Clearly the work of the wealthy sociopath class.
These covid variants is just scare mongering.. Of course a virus is gonna mutate.. But to mutate to 10000x infection rates is just absurd, 100% media propaganda forwarded from the fed.
I too heard the outlook that within 3-5 years the vaxx'd pop might be dead.. That is scary as shit too, They will probably nuke the rest of us with EMF radiation is my guess.
They will write lies on the stones, while we write the truth on the blockchain. The stones can deform with time and what they wrote will desapear, while everything on the blockchain will stay forever for many generations.
This video about C19 and vax patents might explain a great deal and answer many questions.
... not novel... no pandemic.. no variants... campaign of coercion & terror to address a stated objective. There was no novel C19. A check of gene sequence vs all patent records showed that it was not novel since 1999! There are 120 patented pieces of evidence showing total fallacy of claim 'novel'!
I am aware of this narrative. I don't discount it as indeed possible. I can tell you I got something that was pretty nasty and so did my entire household a month or so before the CDC started saying anything about it. I was sick with it on New Years Eve as we entered 2020.
Family members were tested for Influenza and Pneumonia both came back negative.
COVID wasn't on the news in the U.S. yet and there was no test for it here.
I completely lost my appetite and it was uncomfortable to eat. I was voiding fluids rapidly. I lost at least 10lbs in a week perhaps a bit more. I forced myself to take fluids, and I forced myself to eat even though doing so was very unpleasant.
If I had not been forcing myself to do those things then it could have killed me.
Could it have been a flu? Sure. Influenza tests like ALL of these tests are not always correct.
I currently lean towards the probability being more likely there WAS an illness around that time that was new to my body. It did not seem like any flu I've ever had. I don't get the flu usually... (I don't take the vaccine... the two times I did... I got the flu)
I think they took the opportunity it presented to push through agendas they had been planning and were waiting for an excuse.
The information in the video tallies up with other sources. Dr. Feumilch who was doing the interviewing has been researching this for some time as he intends to mount a legal challenge.
Sadly legal challenges don't seem to do all that much these days. Allegations work wonders though if you are against those pushing the "official" narrative. They can destroy our lives with legal challenges based purely upon allegations.
Though I am still waiting to see any of the "official" people that have a legal challenge sent their way held accountable.
It's been awhile since I have seen a fair and balanced justice system and true equal accountability.
There have been a number of legal challenges throughout the plandemic in Europe that have made achievements, such as lifting curfews or the requirement for school children to wear masks and self test. It's just that the media do not report upon them, therefore leading you to believe that they achieve nothing.
There are good people in the legal system who see the madness and are fighting this tooth and nail. Change is going to take time.
Covid is less desease but more politically used weapon where they are taking good advantage from citizen .hope this virus get rid off in next few months.
That does indeed seem increasingly likely to me. It was also a good opportunity to violate Constitutions, Laws, and get people afraid so they would accept authoritarian moves and tyranny with little objection.
They even turn the average people that are afraid into tools to push the tyranny in their behalf.
As @klye pointed out in another reply. I often think of the "Georgia Guidestones" and in particular the line talking about maintaining the population at a number WAY lower than it is today.
To reach that population billions of people alive would need to not be alive. This could be accomplished long term by reducing fertility, aborting, etc. It could accomplished much more rapidly by something like what they are doing now.
Dr Ryan Cole has suggested that a possible reason that the flu virus "went away" the past year is from arbitrium in the study of social virology. Viruses communicate with each other and suppress each other. For example, the cold and flu virus alternate in dominance each year. The dominant virus can trigger the genes of the less dominant to not activate. There is a cold and flu dominance through the decades history somewhere, I just haven't been able to find it yet.
A hypothesis is that the respiratory illness called Sars-Cov-2 is in the same struggle for dominance and actually could be shelved this cold or flu season, whichever becomes the dominant one. It's hard to say though when they're basically engineering a dominant strain from a massive, massive vaccination push. This is not a talked about subject though, so you won't find any easy reading on the subject if you do some digging and I don't fully quite understand it either.
I would expect to see it diminishing over time. Some places reported zero cases. My spidey senses tingle on that one as not being very probable.
When I say probable I use that because it means that it is not impossible, or certain.
I'm not taking it due my vile immunity and even my family doc advised against. I don't need better reference.
I really feel that as soon as any of this became political we were never going to get any sort of honest dialogue or answers about any of it. The question of "what happened to the regular flu?" is a valid one and not one that anyone really talks about because everything is Covid now.
Yes. Politics and Ideology need to stay out of science. Sadly the "scientific" community has been heavily invaded by both for some time.
Yes. Politics and Ideology need to stay out of science. Sadly the "scientific" community has been heavily invaded by both for some time.
Creo que tienes mucha razón, el covid es un enfermedad fuerte que creo que les a a acaecer a todos, y dicha vacuna es el virus en si que puede ayudarte o fácilmente, muy cierto que las personas necesitan salud, pero al sacar cuenta, han muerto muchas personas a través de que se han vacunado, ya que si se inyectan la vacua que es un virus, aumenta el virus a aquellas personas que ya lo poseen....
¡Me encanto tu post, gracias por compartirlo con nosotros es un grato placer!
I used translate.google.com:
Thank you for your reply. While I don't read/speak your language technology does make it possible for use to still speak. That is a great thing. I hope you don't mind that I quoted your text as English as provided by the translator. I did that for other readers.
I am not trying to imply you should have done this as well. Not at all. Keep doing what you are doing. :)
Be vigilant my friend.
Nice post. I have the same questions and even more.
Yeah I could have gone on with that dialog I made up at the end for quite awhile more. I thought that was a good stopping point.
I assume over fifty per cent of Germans have been vaccinated. Just as with C. itself, I find it idle to talk about data, all of which is collected and interpreted one way or the other. The very fact that such things happen keeps one caught up in the debate and gives the whole matter an importance that I personally find worrying.
For myself, I do not believe in the fatality of either C. or the so-called vaccinations. In my view, both are overrated, dramatised and dominate current thinking and action. However, the more people find their income in the health sector, research is carried out, marketing is done, etc., the less the issue will disappear from people's lives, but rather become more entrenched. It should never be underestimated that people who work in the medical sector want to see meaning and benefit in their own work. I don't know how high the percentage is of those who work directly or indirectly for pharmaceuticals, clinics, research etc., but it seems very likely that all these people will not ignore the issue or let it fade into oblivion.
The argument that one wants to protect people who would show a negative immune reaction to vaccinations, as if one knew everything about all people and their medical condition, is ideological but not logical. Making people who do not want to be vaccinated feel guilty about exposing such people neglects the fact that those who do not "know" anything about a negative vaccination reaction are taking on the very form of danger they are supposedly being protected from. One weighs death against death here, as if anyone would be able to do that at all.
The killer argument that, after all, you can't know if you have the flu or some other virus rises to the infallibility of tests. A modern form of faith in genetic testing procedures that neglects people and their subjective sense of their own physical condition and puts everything in the hands of orthodox medicine. As far as I myself come through a flu or whatever unharmed, I am no longer allowed to move freely among people, not even my family members, but I have to tell everyone straight away that I am ill. It is obvious that we cannot maintain this form of existence and living with each other, because who wants to be permanently and constantly concerned with the issue of reporting and isolation for their entire life?
The vaccination advocates stop thinking here and seem to believe that either vaccination will do it or, even more gullibly, they agree that henceforth they want to get every vaccination that comes on the market. How many injections should one expect from now on?
Where we do not even know what an immune system really is, but imagine it from my point of view and supposedly explain it scientifically, I see predominantly human wishful thinking and a large portion of presumption to know everything about the micro-biology of our body.
Well said. I can't see anything there I disagree with at the moment.
I took my kids to the doctor to get them checked out as they had a cold. The doctor, who has a medical degree, made quite possibly the dumbest statement I've heard.
He commented at how amazing it was that when covid hit, so many cases of the flu just went away. He also said it was equally amazing at how flu cases are suddenly rising now that COVID cases are dwindling.
This was the same person that started telling us our kids had COVID for every symptom known to man. Even after my kids tested negative for COVID, he would claim that the tests could be wrong. The hysteria involved in this disease is ridiculous.
I know in my field (IT, Programming, Network Engineering, etc.) people that graduate with degrees can truly suck at their job. (EDIT: Being able to cram for tests, etc doesn't mean you have passion on it or desire to further your knowledge outside of a classroom. It also doesn't show me you can determine WHAT to do without someone telling you.)
I suspect the same could be true with other fields. Likewise Big Pharma long ago learned that they can get involved in the education of people in the medical field and fund parts of the process and make those medical "professionals" into allies and even agents for the big pharmaceutical companies.
If I am concerned about a doctor and think I need one I can trust I'd ask a lot of questions about numerous things and be prepared to walk away until I find a good doctor.
I want a doctor without an agenda.
I want a doctor that thinks for themselves and is willing to change when they get new information.
I want a doctor that even if they have what they recommend they will respect my right to refuse.
I want a doctor that when I request a certain approach would consider it, and if they disapprove be willing to give me some good reasons.
Possible, and if so, not getting vaccinated seems sensible. But how you can be "pretty sure" about it, especially since you are arguing that it is easy to mix up with the flu. But if you took an antibodies test and you got a positive test for covid antibodies, then this argument would be a lot stronger.
A should have pointed out: 1) many people won't take the vaccine out of fear generated by misinformation and, even worse, 2) some people cannot take the vaccine because they are already immunocompromised (and these people are the ones who would be at greatest risk of dying if you expose them to the virus).
Here is something you might be interested in:
141 cases I believe in the hospital in Sydney, Australia. 43 I believe in Intensive Care.
Out of the 141 all but 1 of them are VACCINATED. In other words of those NEW cases and cases in intensive care there 99.29% of them were VACCINATED.
From your caps, should I presume you think that their vaccinated state led to them contracting it? If so, please explain further. If not, I am not sure why you found this interesting.
I find it interesting that 99.29% of those newly infected and needing hospitalization are vaccinated. Nothing more. Nothing less. No special knowledge needed.
But you are saying there is something interesting here. So I am asking if this is leading you to believe that their vaccinated status increased their chances for getting the virus. The insight I am seeking is not about the external world in this case, but your internal thought process with regard to the information you have received.
I don't have a complete opinion. I do find it interesting the amount of new cases that are vaccinated. I'd have more of an opinion if I knew what the ratio of people that were vaccinated versus the number of unvaccinated was in Sydney. If they were near equal in ratio then I'd think the numbers should be closer than that or perhaps worse on the unvaccinated side if the narrative being pushed is true. Yet since I don't have those statistics I do not have a complete opinion.
I also don't know what testing method is used. The CDC is finally starting to back track on the RT-PCR test which they never should have been using to test for this. Far too many false positives. A lot of things that are not COVID get lumped in with COVID.
If Sydney is still using that for testing then a lot of those could be simply flu or something else. It is difficult to know for sure.
Yet having that high of new cases being vaccinated makes my questioning the push for an experimental vaccine as though it is the answer was the right way to go.
I am fine sitting where I am and watching how the experiment plays out. I hope it goes well. I truly do as the alternative is not pleasant to think of.
Yet I needed to take up my duties of spreading "misinformation" as it were...
I decided to do some more research, and while I suppose you will believe this shows I am biased, I now suspect that the speaker either misspoke or the microphone didn't catch his words well.
Based on all data I have found, I think it is probable that all the NSW cases were unvaccinated (except for one case where the person had one shot of a two dose series). Here's what leads me to that conclusion:
As an aside, it is also notable that one of the two people that died from this NSW group was a woman in her 30s with no health problems.
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