I assume over fifty per cent of Germans have been vaccinated. Just as with C. itself, I find it idle to talk about data, all of which is collected and interpreted one way or the other. The very fact that such things happen keeps one caught up in the debate and gives the whole matter an importance that I personally find worrying.
For myself, I do not believe in the fatality of either C. or the so-called vaccinations. In my view, both are overrated, dramatised and dominate current thinking and action. However, the more people find their income in the health sector, research is carried out, marketing is done, etc., the less the issue will disappear from people's lives, but rather become more entrenched. It should never be underestimated that people who work in the medical sector want to see meaning and benefit in their own work. I don't know how high the percentage is of those who work directly or indirectly for pharmaceuticals, clinics, research etc., but it seems very likely that all these people will not ignore the issue or let it fade into oblivion.
The argument that one wants to protect people who would show a negative immune reaction to vaccinations, as if one knew everything about all people and their medical condition, is ideological but not logical. Making people who do not want to be vaccinated feel guilty about exposing such people neglects the fact that those who do not "know" anything about a negative vaccination reaction are taking on the very form of danger they are supposedly being protected from. One weighs death against death here, as if anyone would be able to do that at all.
The killer argument that, after all, you can't know if you have the flu or some other virus rises to the infallibility of tests. A modern form of faith in genetic testing procedures that neglects people and their subjective sense of their own physical condition and puts everything in the hands of orthodox medicine. As far as I myself come through a flu or whatever unharmed, I am no longer allowed to move freely among people, not even my family members, but I have to tell everyone straight away that I am ill. It is obvious that we cannot maintain this form of existence and living with each other, because who wants to be permanently and constantly concerned with the issue of reporting and isolation for their entire life?
The vaccination advocates stop thinking here and seem to believe that either vaccination will do it or, even more gullibly, they agree that henceforth they want to get every vaccination that comes on the market. How many injections should one expect from now on?
Where we do not even know what an immune system really is, but imagine it from my point of view and supposedly explain it scientifically, I see predominantly human wishful thinking and a large portion of presumption to know everything about the micro-biology of our body.
Well said. I can't see anything there I disagree with at the moment.