Nation States exist to protect their people from being slaughtered and raped by outsiders who hate them.
I would argue that this is only the excuse they have sold to their tax cattle. It's simply a protection racket. The leading cause of death among humans is democide.
That is their only legitimate purpose. All other nation state functions other than defence can be done better by blockchains or private enterprise.
All things are done better by free association & decentralization.
Defense has always been done best by an organized militia of people defending their own homes. Standing armies are for conquest, for making war, not for defense.
All nation states exist because they have defeated their enemies. Those that cannot and do not cease to exist and their peoples are often wiped out. That is the reality of human history.
That is one way to frame one part of human history.
I would say that the majority (by a WIDE margin) of all human-on-human violence in history was caused & justified by either State or Church - two flavors of the same scam.
It is why pure libertarianism cannot work.
In pure libertarianism there would be no nation states of any kind, so saying that because X happens in statism, that would cause an issue in not-statism... that doesn't track at all.
I'm sorry that harsh reality has so disturbed your utopian libertarian ideals that you chose to believe the baseless and highly offensive rubbish that the IDF's failures on Oct 7 were deliberate (rather than failed strategic and tactical concepts).
- Israel has admitted to many parts of the Oct7 fraud (standing down military hours beforehand, intel days before) and violence (shooting their own citizens from helicopters during the attempted escape from the event)
- Israel has already pulled off multiple KNOWN false flags in other countries (including more than one against the US), not to mention the ones we don't know about. Why would you think they wouldn't follow SOP?
Maybe the American government could do this sort of thing to its own people but it is utterly impossible in Israel and for Jews.
What logic/reason would you give for this? Just a feeling you have?
The Israeli "government" is made up of professional criminals, most of whom are probably psycho/socio-paths, just like every other "government" in history.
Israel is doing what any State that hopes to survive in this Hobbsian world would do - utterly defeat its enemies and eliminate future threats.
Yes, nation states are by definition violent organized crime syndicates. This was addressed in my initial post.
And the US's contribution is minor and insignificant. Biden is just grandstanding to claim a win after all the US military debacles.
Why is Israel paying thousands to influencers to support them publicly, hundreds to college kids to go to pro-Israel rallies, spending millions on pro-genocide ad campaigns all over the US?
Seems like a LOT of time, energy, and money to throw at an "insignificant" contribution. Also interesting that you would considered the BILLIONS of dollars that the US has given to Israel for war machines over the years to be "insignificant"
Doesn't even address the millions given to the Ayatollah by the US just days before this all went down.