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RE: Covid-19: Were the Death Tolls Artificially Inflated?

in Informationwar2 years ago

In the united States here... several of our counties were forcing the covid death label on death certificates or you did not get any money to help with funeral costs/ or it is an incentive to allow them to label it a covid death. A friends child was in a car accident and the death certificate was labeled a covid death. Another friends husband had a heart attack from known issues and that also was labeled a covid death, they fought for months to have it removed from the death certificate and they were also told they would receive money if they left it on there. As far as doctors willfully willing to kill patients? Well my realtors husband ended up in the hospital with Covid and they did nothing for him, put him in a room and didn't check on him or anything he barely got food. As did many people who fled this state I am in and went to Colorado, then they turned and filed a law suit against the entire hospital for malnutrition and neglect. Most people died here because of malnutrition and the intubation which did not help covid patients. All swept under a rug of course. Will hospitals follow along? Well have you EVER researched the YELLOW FEVER testing they did over Florida? The MILITARY was looking for a bioweapon (This is all unclassified document I will post a link shortly) Bioweapon for a war they were involved in, released 100 thousands of yellow fever infected mosquitos over florida, and the hosptials were to collect the data and send it to the military. Would doctors individually kill? Maybe not, but a hospital running a business/ corporation or whatever it is- WOULD. Just saying. Just sharing. I will go find that case file and send it to you! I thought I already wrote about it on here but maybe that was another site!


We have US nurses who spoke out too. Golly I will try to find those videos too.... along with the yellow fever docs. So much to gather!

I do not at all recommend letting anyone slide for any failure to oppose coercion or bribery. It is necessary for every free person to heroically oppose such criminal pressures, and none more than doctors that stand between life and death for their patients.

As I indicate in my response to @aagabriel below, there is a difference between that heroism, subjugation, and slavish obedience, and I am confident doctors reveal all those and more in their actions during the ongoing plandemic.

My doctor has never once even suggested I get jabbed, and I know they are under every bit as much pressure as any to push them into all the arms they can. I cannot know how they have addressed their other patients. However, more than one doctor has lost their job, perhaps their career, refusing to submit to political pressure that was placed on them to limit my access to medications I need. I know doctors do that. I have seen it, and I have seen it done with NO mention of that pressure they were under to me.

In fact, I appreciate my current provider conferring with me regarding such matters, so that I can help them to continue to provide services that I am able.

I appreciate your forthright comments contributing to the discussion. Such critical consideration is essential to cut through to the essential meat of the matter.


No Problem! Agreed! I am grateful you have a good doctor?