Speaking to a friend recently I asked them how did they know there was a pandemic. They answered because of the deaths, medically certified. However, what if the death tolls had been created artificially?
If we start from this position can we look at how deaths in England came not from Covid-19 but were due to other factors. The evidence points to a Catch-22 situation. Expecting many deaths from Covid-19 steps were taken that actually resulted in many more deaths. Although whether they derived from Covid-19 or not is debatable. If there was really a pandemic there should be no room for debate. There should be no evidence that points to death tolls being artificially inflated. But there is.
To get the whole plandemic off to a good start elderly people were moved from hospitals into care homes where many people died of Covid19, or at least that is what the death certificates stated. As if deliberately moving ill people from a hospital setting into care homes to be in proximity to elderly vulnerable people wasn’t bad enough; the evidence is in that the authorities took measures to actually hasten the deaths of these people. All under the guise of care and help. Predicting many deaths such as Imperial College London that predicted 40 million deaths back in March 2020 the British authorities took steps to administer euthanasia drugs which resulted in many deaths. This was then swept under the carpet by a death registration process that at every turn sought to minimise the involvement of professionals doing their usual duty.
The Coronavirus Act
This removed from the NHS their duty to abide by the National Framework, and thus allowed them to discharge people into care homes. Some 25,000 people were discharged in March and April 2020. This was deemed necessary to make room in the NHS for an expected flood of ill people with Covid-19. They even built Nightingale Hospitals. They were never used. Pressures on NHS services emanated more from staff having to self isolate then from corridors filled with sick people, supposedly from Covid-19.
Picutre showing NHS under crisis during the flu season of 2018
This policy of introducing elderly sick patients into care homes from hospital was not isolated to the UK. It happened throughout Europe and in the US, like in New York.
Whilst elderly people were moved from hospitals into care homes to free up hospital space that was never needed, there was at the same time a sharp withdrawal of care in these homes. Faced with a shortage of PPE, tests, and self isolation policies for staff, all serving to create chaos. Due to so many restrictions GP’s turned to video calls usually made with the carers.
As we’ve seen from the Lockdown Files, Matt Hancock, UK Health Secretary, rejected testing for those entering care homes from the community. This was despite advice and when he was also aware of the age stratification nature of the disease. Testing did not become a thing until August 14 2020. Why was this? Who steered this policy?
End of Life Protocols
In March/April 2020 British Funeral Director John O’Looney reported that he was seeing Midazolam syringes/vials in trash bins next to the deceased elderly patients he was collecting.
In care homes as people reach the end of their days there are medications that are routinely used to ease their passing. One of these is Midazolam and the other is Morphine.
- Midazolam is a short-acting injectable benzodiazepine with rapid onset that is commonly used in seizures, anesthesia and anxiety disorders. Midazolam is also known under the brand name Versed. It is most frequently used before surgeries or procedures to decrease anxiety, cause drowsiness, and help with anesthesia in patients who need tubes or machines to help them breathe.
A side effect of the drug is abnormally slow breathing, respiratory depression and respiratory arrest.
- Morphine is an opioid agonist used for the relief of moderate to severe acute and chronic pain. A side effect of morphine can be breathing problems.
Why did David Webb, England’s Chief Pharmaceutical Officer recommend this course of action, when supposedly Covid19 was already hampering the patients ability to breathe?
Even before the plandemic was officially announced the UK had been stockpiling Midazolam. Charts show a massive up-tick in use both in April 2020 and at the end of 2020. Both periods also coincide with a spike in reported deaths from Covid-19. We have a chicken and egg scenario here. Did they die from Covid-19 or from the drugs that are routinely given as euthanasia drugs to end life? Not only that, they are also routinely used at the doses recommended in the NICE guidance as part of the lethal injection delivered to prisoners in the US under the death penalty.
A sign there was some unusual activity occurring comes from the reported 17,316 patients who died with dementia and Alzheimer's recorded on their death certificates in England in April 2020. This was 3x the usual for this time of year.
The deaths from the care homes helped to shape the plandemic narrative that there was a deadly pathogen. Indeed it is highly questionable how many people died from Covid19, rather than just with, and even with is from a heavily flawed testing system.
Medically certified
Due to the lockdowns, for people dying in these care homes the Medical Certificate of Cause of Death (MCCD) process for Covid19 abolished the need for any examination at all. The scrutiny of a second medical opinion (Medical Examiner) was removed and in fact often times a medical practitioner was assigned the task of signing the certificate. There was no requirement for them to have even met the deceased. Video calls were deemed sufficient, and sometimes not even that.
As the Office for National Statistics stated;
The inclusion of a death in the published figures as being the result of Covid19 is based on the statement of the care home provider, which may or may not correspond to a medical diagnosis or test result…
These deaths were then fed into the daily running reports produced by the likes of the BBC, hyping up the plandemic. The running UK mortality total, as reported by the press, came from a mixture of sources. These included the NHS, the CQC, Public Health England, Public Health Scotland and various other statistical agencies.
This reporting grabbed the headlines, but was chaotic and meaningless from a statistical perspective. Benefiting from increased ratings they were happily reporting deaths that consistently promoted alarm.
Furthermore, as guidance from the Royal College of Pathologists shows there was a reluctance to perform autopsies to confirm these deaths were from Covid19 at all.
If a death is believed to be due to confirmed COVID-19 infection, there is unlikely to be any need for a post-mortem examination to be conducted and the Medical Certificate of Cause of Death should be issued.
In addition the Chief Coroner’s Office advised;
COVID-19 is a naturally occurring disease and therefore is capable of being a natural cause of death...The aim of the system should be that every death from COVID-19 which does not in law require referral to the coroner should be dealt with via the MCCD process.
Anyone getting a sense of Catch22?
Even the deceased’s family, who would normally be consulted in regard to the MCCD and who would consent to the cause of death, due to isolations and lockdowns, were replaced by anybody who was in charge of the body. This included funeral directors.
In fact the UK state also withdrew the standard second opinion required to cremate. This was suspended for all Covid deaths.
At each stage death was attributed to Covid-19 by a registration process that was special for Covid19 only. Due to the ‘special nature’ of the plandemic the UK state was able to bring in a process that allowed for each element to be a reduced form of ‘care’. From care homes deciding the cause of death, to the lack of involvement by doctors, medical examiners, coroners, funeral directors and the families themselves.
That all these things combined to increase Covid-19 deaths points to a conclusion that these changes were not incidental.
If we consider in England there were two distinct periods where excess mortality rose sharply.
One was around the beginning March/April 2020. it should be noted that it is unusual for a respiratory illness to occur outside of the winter period. This corresponds to the period when elderly people were effectively euthanised by giving them the drugs Midazolam and morphine. For those unaware that patients were being given euthanasia drugs this would appear like there was a pandemic unfolding.
The next spike of deaths occurred in the end of 2020 when we would expect an up tick in respiratoy illness, like flu. What was unusual in the end of 2020 was that whilst we once again see an increase in Midazolam being prescribed, we did not see the usual antibiotics being prescribed to assist people with a respiratory illness. There was in fact a 50% decrease in the prescribing of antibiotics compared to previous years. This again speaks to a withdrawal of care.
This withdrawal of care, was (suspiciously) extended to residents of care homes to the extent that DNAR notices (do not resuscitate) were attached to care plans without their knowledge or consent. All in the name of a deadly pandemic.
Still every death in a care home setting was generally reported as having been from Covid-19. But what if they weren’t? Whose purpose did it serve to inflate deaths and then report them as having been from Covid-19?
Even if we are generous and put this early 2020 shit show down to over-reaction and panic from incompetent politicians, can the same be said for the second wave at the end of 2020?
To even contemplate that Covid-19 was a lie from start to finish is to take a leap of unfaith! It is to accept that our erstwhile leaders do not actually have our best interests at heart. That the entire play was all about selling us a medical experiment. Looking at how events were manipulated makes me question if there even was a virus at all?
For a longer more in-depth read see the Daily Beagle article here
Dr John Campbell on Euthanasia in the Pandemic
Chris Martenson Midazolam Murders
You well note several of the factors that led to many deaths that were falsely claimed to be caused by a pandemic virus. I believe many of the deaths were iatrogenic (caused by medical care, or lapses).
However, I am unable to believe that the majority of doctors and nurses willfully murdered their patients. They're people. There are certainly some that are so mad, but not most of them. I have read 'A contrarian opinion regarding the massive increase in the use of sedatives and opiates in the UK nursing homes in 2020' written by Dr. Pierre Kory, and I recommend you read it too. I recommend everybody that reads about the use of these drugs and wonders whether all the doctors and nurses in the world suddenly became psychopaths, like Dr. Mengele, snickering as they snuck from room to room, leaving corpses in their wake.
Doctors and nurses were not part of the planners. They weren't informed as to which of the batches of jabs were lethal, and which were saline. They were lied to, just like the rest of us. The AMA, the CDC, the NHS, and every governmental agency that regulates doctors and nurses told them there were treatments they could use, how to use them, and those agencies had always been considered to have the best interests of the public at heart. They were trained, to diagnose, to dispense, to serve their patients with compassion and care, and to do this for people that have a 100% death rate. Everyone dies, without exception. Doctors and nurses HAVE to deal with end of life.
There may be cases where specific doctors and nurses did kill their patients, but I do not believe that most doctors and nurses deliberately killed their patients. Those drugs are necessary in palliative care, because they ease suffering in people that cannot live. I am not a doctor, and I do not prescribe these medications, and I do not in any way justify euthanasia. Neither do I believe my doctor wants to kill me.
You need to be clear, that killing patients with midazolam and morphine as you are describing would not be a medical error on the part of the care-givers, but deliberate murder. You need to be willing to question that, and then you need to read Dr. Kory's discussion of palliative care and medical ethics during the plandemic, if you are willing to have all the information necessary to render judgment. You're claiming that most of the people that have chosen to help the sick, to heal the injured, to serve their communities during the crises that all of us eventually suffer, are murderers.
Before you decide you are absolutely sure that most doctors and nurses are murderous psychopaths, I believe you owe it to yourself, and to all the people whose guilt or innocence you are judging, to read Dr. Pierre Kory's discussion on his substack of this issue. Dr. Kory and many other doctors did realize the political agencies were corrupt, and were telling them to mistreat patients. Many doctors lost their careers, their homes, families, and risked all those things on purpose, to save lives. That they were smart enough to figure these things out doesn't mean they were the only ethical providers, and others that believed what they were told were deliberately murdering people.
Just like most of the Karens and people wearing masks today don't believe they are serving genocidal psychopaths. The parents that get their kids jabbed aren't murdering them on purpose. They're misinformed, afraid, and doing the best they can.
There are psychopaths and narcissists, but most doctors and nurses aren't psychopaths. Please read PierreKory.substack.com 'Contrarian opinion regarding the massive increase in the use of sedatives and opiates in the UK nursing homes in 2020'.
I believe you will learn, and what you will learn will nuance your opinion, and you will be glad you did.
In the united States here... several of our counties were forcing the covid death label on death certificates or you did not get any money to help with funeral costs/ or it is an incentive to allow them to label it a covid death. A friends child was in a car accident and the death certificate was labeled a covid death. Another friends husband had a heart attack from known issues and that also was labeled a covid death, they fought for months to have it removed from the death certificate and they were also told they would receive money if they left it on there. As far as doctors willfully willing to kill patients? Well my realtors husband ended up in the hospital with Covid and they did nothing for him, put him in a room and didn't check on him or anything he barely got food. As did many people who fled this state I am in and went to Colorado, then they turned and filed a law suit against the entire hospital for malnutrition and neglect. Most people died here because of malnutrition and the intubation which did not help covid patients. All swept under a rug of course. Will hospitals follow along? Well have you EVER researched the YELLOW FEVER testing they did over Florida? The MILITARY was looking for a bioweapon (This is all unclassified document I will post a link shortly) Bioweapon for a war they were involved in, released 100 thousands of yellow fever infected mosquitos over florida, and the hosptials were to collect the data and send it to the military. Would doctors individually kill? Maybe not, but a hospital running a business/ corporation or whatever it is- WOULD. Just saying. Just sharing. I will go find that case file and send it to you! I thought I already wrote about it on here but maybe that was another site!
Australian Nurse: https://www.bitchute.com/video/brxYdHP9ex6C/ UK Nurse (undercover recording): https://www.bitchute.com/video/806R3E4KtjI1/
We have US nurses who spoke out too. Golly I will try to find those videos too.... along with the yellow fever docs. So much to gather!
I do not at all recommend letting anyone slide for any failure to oppose coercion or bribery. It is necessary for every free person to heroically oppose such criminal pressures, and none more than doctors that stand between life and death for their patients.
As I indicate in my response to @aagabriel below, there is a difference between that heroism, subjugation, and slavish obedience, and I am confident doctors reveal all those and more in their actions during the ongoing plandemic.
My doctor has never once even suggested I get jabbed, and I know they are under every bit as much pressure as any to push them into all the arms they can. I cannot know how they have addressed their other patients. However, more than one doctor has lost their job, perhaps their career, refusing to submit to political pressure that was placed on them to limit my access to medications I need. I know doctors do that. I have seen it, and I have seen it done with NO mention of that pressure they were under to me.
In fact, I appreciate my current provider conferring with me regarding such matters, so that I can help them to continue to provide services that I am able.
I appreciate your forthright comments contributing to the discussion. Such critical consideration is essential to cut through to the essential meat of the matter.
No Problem! Agreed! I am grateful you have a good doctor?
Sure could be worse.
The banality of evil is all encompassing. Money, academic and professional coercion goes a long way into making regular compassionate and talented people walk the line.
If we are to forgive them their sins (Karens, Medico's), then how will they know the error of their ways? Infact, shouldn't it be encumbent on us to at least broach the subject of culpability in iatrogenic harms? In your scenario, we know better than them and let them act in a manner when they are none the wiser.
Just some contrarianism ;-)
While I do agree that coercion certainly has applied to all in the medical profession, it is only exceptional individuals on either end of the spectrum of humanity that have sacrificed their careers, or their patients, in the face of that coercion.
My comment was addressing the specific charge that use of midazolam and opiates were intentionally used to kill patients ubiquitously, which I believe stems from misunderstanding of the legitimate use of those medications to ease the suffering of patients that will not survive. While doctors have been misled, coerced, and seduced at every step of the plandemic, being misled does not become murderous, and I am confident far more doctors were misled, or refuted, such misdirection than became deliberate murderers.
That does not mean those that were misled shouldn't be held to account, but there is a difference between negligence, manslaughter, and murder for very good reasons.
Please do not misconstrue any of my comments as personal comments on you, or your understanding, as I very much appreciate your criticism and the issues you raise.
In Austria hospitals got a bonus if a death was attributed to C19. Being always short on money they did their best... So yes, numbers were inflated, even without looking at the non-quality of tests.
But even based on those inflated numbers, fatality rates & co. are lower than the ones of influenca ;) So yes, maybe there was no virus at all. Just some influenca paired with fatal treatment-protocols?
Not sure if you have heard of Michael O'Bernicia - he has been hammering away with a private criminal prosecution against the 4 Horsemen for the Midazolam Murders for over a year now
Probably the UK Treasury's purposes, and the NHS's. Oh and whoever had a financial (or conflict of) interest in the medical contracts for Midazolam etc.
Really? That's completely inverse from my contemplations. There's a lot of lies, schemings and long term vested interests propelling our multifarious aspects of suffering which if anything, are more blatantly obvious this time around than all the prior times before. Only leap of faith I need to steel myself for is abandoning a society hell bent on continuing with more strictures and lies.
our erstwhile leaders are the fat of the land, happy to leech off our complacency for as long as they inhumanly can. Regarding whether there is a virus at all, well there is a long string of proteins and dna that's been isolated in silico. Doesn't really mean that there is something called SARS-CoV-2.