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RE: Are you supporting the top 20 witness who is publicly pushing for the exinction of the human race?

in Informationwar3 years ago

So what monks do, what nuns do, is mass suicide of the essence involved?

If everyone does it, yes. It's not difficult to understand - ending reproduction without achieving immortality in manifested form is an end to manifested form of humans. That is the goal of the project - they state it.

You think, massively so, yet to claim to know?

That's not a sentence I can parse in English, so I don't know what you are asking here. Can you ask it in different words?

What about monks, and nuns?

I don't claim to know what every monk or nun thinks - but generally, anyone who devalues life on Earth in an attempt to elevate themselves to some kind of imaginary 'spiritual perfection' is adding a nudge towards collective suffering and shuts off the potential of the integration of spiritual and 'physical' that is necessary in order for us to survive on any level. Typically, people are what is known as 'spiritually polarised', which means that they are heavily biased (often unconsciously) towards their own spirit self and away from their manifested human parts. The fact that these people often don't even accept that they have a spiritual part makes the situation all the more insane and often impossible to address with them. To reiterate, you cannot evolve and come to balance while denying your parts on Earth.


they don't advocate for everyone to die out - they claim they are doing what they do to help humanity. you can't help humanity if they have all died. if there are monks and nuns who are taking action to teach others and children that they should all die asap, then they are part of a suicide/death cult and are absolutely dangerous to life.

There are probably millions of nuns and monks, ranging from sects of Christianity through to Buddhism and other groups - they don't all think or act the same.
We all have free will (or at least what is left of the will once our spiritual alignment has either harmed or helped our will to survive). If people choose to kill themselves, that's their own thing - but if they actively engage the world, attempting to take down everyone else with them - including impressionable children, then both myself and the loving parts of spirit have a problem with that as we need life to survive in order for anything at all to survive.

Revelations are not complete and have been misunderstood anyway.

I have already explained that the VEHMT organisation intends to organise to create an outcome of total kill off of all lineages - not only their own.

The organisation has the specific goal of inspiring every human to stop breeding, they state it in numerous ways - that is logically equivalent to "teaching people to die out".

different people use these words in different ways - there isn't really an agreed upon standard.
for me, spirit is the yang, masculine, light part of self (the light at the end of the tunnel) - higher self - that manifests in us and as us.
for me, soul is a word that means an individuated expression of existence itself.
'spirit inspires' and 'soul' is 'solo' - is a simple way to think of how i understand this.