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RE: Decreasing HBD APR and Posting Rewards and Increasing the Importance of Hive Power (HP)

in Hive Governance2 years ago (edited)

With respect, these are both terrible ideas. We can sustain the 20%, and reducing rewards is not the carrot/stick you think it is to force people to buy HIVE with fiat.

It wouldn't work, and would net hurt the chain.

We are making good inroads in various countries as a w3 site that you can a) earn from b) pay for actual physical goods with & c) optionally increase stake/returns with fiat purchases. These things work in our favor, long term.

Y'all be up here with short term thinking, ignoring the long term path that is an easy win.

Punishing users (which this does, no matter what mental gymnastics you want to use) to force them to throw fiat at the problem is a 0/10 idea and will absolutely not do what you hope it will.

Further, HIVE locked into HP is a 3 month wait to capitalize on. HBD is a 3 day wait. The type of folks looking to buy into a coin are either not going to power up the hive, or are going to put it into hbd anyhow for the 10/12/16/20 whatever percent it's giving.

The only incentive to stake Hive into HP is governance and curation, and anyone who isn't already here for other reasons is going to see that 3-month destake as a complete barrier, and there is 0% interest on liquid hive.

This doesn't work on so many levels if you stop to think about the actual incentives for like five seconds.

Here's a better idea literally off the top of my head that would solve hbd lockups and incentivise hive purchase and HP locking: cap HBD savings at 50% of staked HP(personally staked, no delegation counted).

But then you'd be forced to move some of that 58k hbd you're sitting on in main and a full 50% of the 28k in your cold wallet earning hbd would be forced into hp and so would a whole tone of other whales so, far chance something like that ever gets passed.


I remember when I first joined in steemit days, the 13 week thing was a huge moment for pause. I felt a lot of discomfort about it and I hadn't even bought any, just rewards from blogs.

It's one of the biggest turn offs and physically unattractive elements to the entire project that isn't gonna be overridden by more Hive incentives - it's just too powerful a deterrent

Hey there, thanks for the comment.

Honestly, you are not wrong, no one is. I do agree that 13 week, while it might be a good thing six, seven years ago. I do think that most people are used to "give it a shot, didn't like it? Take it out" mentality in the cryptocurrency world nowadays. It is not something that's not changeable though, we also have discussed that on and off to encourage people to have "less risky" (in a sense) investments towards Hive Power since they can take it back easily in a relatively timely manner, as opposed to 3 months.

We can sustain the 20% today and even tomorrow, but every HBD is technically a burden on HIVE, since it is backed by it. If the market moons, we're golden. But the important thing is the worst case scenario.

It also works a little for if we tank. 10c Hive again? Every cent I've got in savings (all paltry 1,600 of it) is going to get swapped to Hive so I can power it up. I'd bet I'm not the only one thinking that sub 20c would be a great time to do a switcharoo either, since almost everyone around here knows that if the price hits 10-19c again it's NOT going to stay there and is an easy 2-3x within a month or two.