It's difficult to ignore all the approved proposals are from the same people who are the top witnesses and also often have the top trending articles.
When stake backs you, it backs you everywhere you go.
Seems they need to make a concerted effort to listen to a few people outside of the circle.
No fucking shit. When you have a select few virtual signalling greed filled cocksuckers who only listen to themselves and people with HUGE WALLETS, then NOBODY will believe the fucking bullshit that comes from these peoples mouths. Then people wonder why there is a retention problem? Because people who come here are not fucking stupid. They have eyes and can see how the REAL show is run.
WORDS are futile, when the actions don't reflect the words. So many bullshit artist salesmen on here, with pure self-interest and nothing else, sit at the top of the tree here, that it will just be a never ending bunch of circle-jerking between "friends". It's a complete joke, and if anyone has a different "opinion", they are banished to the naughty corner if they are not an "approved" member of the "approved" circle-jerks. But nobody wants to talk about how that's all this place really is. Let's all stick our heads in the sand and point fingers everywhere else except for the obvious places.
It will be a dead zone, built for the benefit of devs and large stakeholders to milk from the gullible. That's what it really is now, and it's all it will ever be, because of the arrogance of a few.
Just look at some of the responses in here. Nothing more needs to be said.