Houston we have a problem here

in Hive Governance4 years ago (edited)

While everyone is celebrating the wild rise of the BTC price, and in our country people are celebrating Christmas, for the first time in our lives the team and I really felt the problem of centralization.

It should be a great day with a family, but... no way. Around 11am the customer of @cryptex24 writing to our exchange support chat the following

Good day. And what is the ban on sending ASH to the cryptex24 exchange? Transaction error: not allowed to send to

First we thought the problems are from the exchange side, so we woke up the devs to check everything out.

Then we thought that there are some issues on the Hive - Engine side, but according to the official Discord channel everything was ok!

After spending some time I wrote to tech-support and @gerber answered me, that probably the issue is caused by SOMEONES IDEA to BLOCK the account, cuz it's the exchanges one, and someon suffered because of sending Swap-Hive token to Binance-Hot and ofc never got it back. That's the idea why the Hive-Engine team decided to block @cryptex24 as well as the other exchanges.

That would be okay, in terms and risks of using centralized sidechain, but I guess everybody knows, that we are building lots of projects using Hive-Engine and our C24 Exchange supports lots of Hive Engine tokens such as LEO (@leofinance), DEC (@splinterlands), BEER (@detlev), CBM (@cryptobrewmaster), ASH (@aeneas.fund), and internal token Cryptex.

We listed all this tokens for free, while paying the dev team from our own pockets.

We pushed all the tokens to Coinpaprika.com nice and new coins and tokens aggregator.

We always here online to support our customers.

And what we have in return? Hive Engine team just pushes the button and we are out of the business.

OKAY, we even can deal with that...

But shit

I wrote to the Hive Engine support chat hours ago. Got an answer and nothing changed... NOTHING. I don't even ask for an apologizes for me and a team spending their Christmas online.

We payed the tokens, tribes, whole bunch of stuff. We promote HIVE in our country, created a game, which is on 4 place on the Hive Dapps rating. We running a Witness node, we working on a Full Public Node...

And we don't even worth a fucking answer?


Abstracting from the situation... Is our customers funds in CBM tokens are safe? I mean if @cryptomancer can press a button and stop the deposit\withdrawing gate when he would like is your tokens safe? Is those even your tokens? NFTs? LOL.

What we are going to do?

We will discuss with the team a temporary or permanent replacement the Hive-Engine tokens in @cryptobrewmaster. We would like to build here on Hive, as we believe it's the best place with the best community, but after this kind of days, I don't even know what to say. Maybe switching to some other smart contract is an issue before Hive Media Tokens will release.

This will be considered and announced later.

Aside of everything was written, I would like to ask people who I met in personal during 2 Hive festivals, those who having the influence on Hive: How do you think we can fix the problem with the centralization of HE tokens and stimulate various projects to build their business on Hive?

@theycallmedan @arcange @blocktrades @roelandp @aggroed


The block on the @cryptex24 account has been removed. Apologies for this unfortunate incident; as Aggroed indicated it's our policy to generally block token transfers to known exchange accounts because in 99% of the cases, exchanges don't know about HE tokens and their customer support is unresponsive when people mistakenly send HE tokens to them.

In this particular case, we were not aware that your exchange deals directly with HE tokens. If we had been, we would not have put the block in place. Sorry again for the misunderstanding and any inconvenience caused.

Regardless of the level of centralization we typically block users from being able to send tokens to exchange accounts directly. If you're supporting HE tokens directly that's different and I didn't realize your exchange account is on the block list. Generally what happens is that people send HE tokens to Binance that are unrecoverable. So, we started blocking the direct transfer to the exchanges since they don't respond and people lose money.

And I thought everything with HE tokens can be reversed/recovered, like in the recent case of double-unstaking... Unlike for example Ethereum smart contracts, Hive smart contracts can be updated in-place.

People should not use "strange" exchanges but the cryptex team was around at the fest in Bangkok some 14 month ago.

Since that time we did some tests and from my side I can confirm that cryptex24 is working fine. We bought BTC and sold it for other coins and there is a fast support team.

@rollie1212 and the Team behind him do a lot for hive and our community

Love to see them "unblocked" dear @aggroed

They have already been unblocked. It was a misunderstanding on our part, we did not realize this exchange directly deals with Hive Engine tokens.

That’s what we do, and we promote ourselves as an exchange for a Hive Engine tokens as well. Thanks for finally reaching out and removing that block.

And keep the community informed how this resolves

for sure we will inform!

Sounds like a classic case of someone not doing research and instead chose to blanket ban.

😤 besides I was talking to Splinterlads team personally about the DEC listing on the exchange... ridiculous

Probably because they are technically two different teams despite of having @aggroed at the head.

Why should I care about it? We build, we pay, we want service... no reply for more then 10 hours. How would they build it with a huge companies with that kind of support?

Never said their customer support or practice is stellar.

I was merely saying that I doubt there's communications between the two projects even though they supposedly have the same "project lead".


Such is Hive...

You got a reply from Gerber within an hour of reporting the problem, and he said we would unblock the account. Which we did, within 12 hours of the issue being reported.

People should typically expect our support response times to average anywhere from 24-48 hours, which is fairly reasonable given the size of our team and its globally distributed nature.

Your case was treated as a priority so you got a fast response time.

Well to be honest that “typical” waiting time should affect dummies sending their tokens into the void, not partners who promoting Hive Engine products, using them and paying for them...

Gerbers “guess” and “depends” weren’t like a clear answer. So it’s blew out our brains after all. That’s how this post appeared.

Anyway we are glad we are okay, and got finally reached with the problem, and I would like to say thank you for that!

You're welcome. For future reference, if you need faster support for high impact emergencies, you can escalate to @aggroed and myself directly on Discord rather than going through the usual tech support channels. Aggroed knows how to reach me quickly when required, and can wake me up if I'm sleeping (in this case, it was my night so I wasn't online; the tech support guys reported your issue to me, so I was notified & resolved it first thing when I started work in the morning).

I suppose it's reasonably well-understood that Hive-engine tokens are currently centralized tokens, unfortunately, although I believe they are working to change that.

In the meantime, while I can't speak for the Hive-engine team, my guess is that once they understand that your exchange fully supports their tokens, they will unblock your account from receiving transfers.

As far as user-creatable smart-contract tokens go, there's several possible alternatives to Hive-engine tokens being designed, as I suppose you are aware. @disregardfiat is working on one and BlockTrades is also planning to create such a system. Both of these are being designed to be fully decentralized when they are introduced.

@blocktrades we are fully support and respect what you and your team doing, but we are finding ourselves in a reality when there are lots of self funding projects which could be built on the Hive Blockchain in case if Hive would have the decentralized tokens... and todays case is another confirmation why real business will not invest in those.

We are at our team fully believe in the Hive potential, and I'm personally proud of being an active member of the community, but in other case we see a lack of attention to the projects we building, and lack of the communication with the HIVE development team (

The importance to Hive of user-creatable decentralized tokens is well-understood by all Hive devs (core and apps devs both), I think.

From my own team's perspective, this is now one of the highest priorities, now that we've overcome the scaling issues for the platform that would have threatened any future growth.

Really strange, and you and others are doing a lot to promote Hive in Ukraine
I hope this will be resolved
But if you plan to move- I suggest Cardano, many perspectives there
Check my article on Project Catalyst, and just in case it's possible for your team to apply for development funding for one of the projects, or several projects

Posted using Dapplr

PM me on Telegram pls)

I encourage you to take a look at dlux. It started as an easy to use VR blockchain system running on Hive, and has far more robust features now. There are a couple of things to finish up, but it's looking like a great alternative


Thanks! @foxon! Gonna research and vote his proposal!

It has always been clear to me that Hive-Engine is NOT decentralized and I can't wait for a truly decentralized alternative.

Yay! 🤗
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Нихрена себе!!! Вот это да. Нет слов...

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

!BEER порешали уже


Благо, что все мирно и без радикальных решений

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

BEERHey @cranium.leo, here is a little bit of from @rollie1212 for you. Enjoy it!

Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your BEER.

Шкода таке читати. Я надіюся, що все буде добре.

порешали быстро)