This section is about my creative process regarding writing. So, as an introduction, I'll talk about how I started this hobby that, little by little, has become a daily necessity. In addition to that, every time you see this cover, you will be able to find content about my writing projects, short stories, inspirations for what I write, moonboards and that kind of things. So, let's start!
De todos los oradores que tuve, uno destacó bastante por su teatralidad. Hacía de los cuentos clásicos una épica en mi imaginación; dinámico, mezclando juegos y acertijos, hasta terminar cambiando cosas en la historia que, por la misma magia de su oratoria, no alcanzaban a levantar las alertas de los niños que se saben de memoria las cosas (sí, era de esas niñas que decía que así no iba el cuento). 😌
In my opinion, it all began in my childhood, regarding a very strong memory from my early 6 years. There were several adults around me who encouraged reading, and I am eternally grateful that my godparents, grandmother and mother whom read the classic stories with such enthusiasm and narrative voice.
Of all the speakers I had, one stood out for his theatricality. He made classic tales into epic scenes in my imagination; dynamic, mixing games and riddles, until he ended up changing things in the story that, due to the magic of his oratory, did not manage to raise the alarms of children who know how things work in tales (yes, I was one of those girls who said that the original story did not go that way). 😌
Viví varios años en Florida, y, en la cruzada de adaptarme al lenguaje y cultura, rescato una cátedra que se llamaba "Artes del Lenguaje".
Comencé a escribir mini ensayos para poder pasar cursos y hasta escribí una especie de retelling de Blanca Nieves para una actividad escolar que hoy es un bonito recuerdo.✨ Del bachillerato, solo cursé primer año antes de volver a Venezuela, pero varios fueron los libros que comencé a acumular fomentado por dos pilares: actividades académicas y amigos que también coleccionaban libros.
Later, like all children do, I grew up and moved away from the world of classic tales while I looked for other recreational activities during my school days, although I still think that luck was directing me specifically towards writing. I had the chance to live in Florida for several years, and, in my quest of adapting to the US language and culture, I took a course called "Language Arts".
That's when I started writing mini essays to be able to pass courses and I even wrote a kind of retelling of Snow White for a school activity that today is a nice memory.✨ In middle school, I only completed the seventh grade before returning to Venezuela, but there were several books that I began to accumulate, encouraged by two pillars: academic activities and friends who also collected books.
"Todo lo que necesitas hacer es escribir verdaderamente y no preocuparte por cuál es el destino de la misma".
Para cuando comencé mis estudios universitarios mi lectura fue constante. Aunque la mayoría de las veces todo gira en torno a investigaciones y libros académicos, intento hacerme espacio para la literatura. De lo contrario, escribo, escribo y escribo. Una parte, para evitar que mi cerebro se encasille en la redacción científica, otra para despejarme y, una mucho más, para mi satisfacción.
Siempre fui la persona que estaba inconforme con escenas en películas o series, dado a mi crianza entre dos países, me vi en la obligación de repasar con más ahínco las reglas gramaticales, y aunque al sol de hoy no me considero una experta en nada, creo que el simple hecho de crear de algo nuevo me motiva a seguir.
Escribir es arte, resalta lo que experimentas a lo largo de la vida y es hasta terapeútico. Te impulsa a salir, pensar, analizar y luchar. Una lucha personal con tu propia persona, para seguir creyendo en la imaginación que desarrollamos de niños, para cuestionar e inventar, para ser consciente de lo que nos duele y nos alegra, y lo que nos vuelve enteramente narrativos y humanos.🍀
"All you need is to truly write and not worry for what would be the destiny of that writing". . . —Hemingway
By the time I started my university studies, my reading was constant. Although most of the time they revolve around research and academic books, I try to make time for literature. Otherwise, I write, write, and write. Partly, to avoid my brain being pigeonholed into scientific writing, partly to clear my mind, and, much more, for my satisfaction.
I was always the person who was dissatisfied with scenes in movies or series, given my upbringing in two countries, I felt obliged to review the grammar rules more diligently, and although today I do not consider myself an expert in anything, I believe that the simple fact of creating something new motivates me to continue because... Writing is art, it highlights what you experience throughout life and it is even therapeutic. It drives you to go out, think, analyze and fight. A personal fight with yourself, to continue believing in the imagination we developed as children, to question and invent, to be aware of what hurts us and what makes us happy, and what makes us entirely narrative and human.
Aunque considero que el género funciona como una especie de río que converge en el mar, el uso de recursos fantásticos son las historias que más me atrapan. Dejan una vibración en mis nervios y una necesidad de construir imágenes, libres para mi imaginación. Además, me divierto bastante pensando en la inspiración de trasfondo y las referencias del mundo real que son utilizadas.
A mi parecer lo mejor del género que hace honor al trascendental miedo del hombre por lo inexplicable es que, precisamente, nos da espacio para mostrar hipótesis o analogías de muchas cosas que parecen absurdas en un día a día entre las personas. Resalta la magia de la tradición oral y que, lo verídico en el hombre, siempre estará en crear o inventar los vacíos de conocimientos en lo que experimenta.
FANTASY: The door to posibilities
Covered the origin of this hobby, I couldn't miss the stellar space for my favorite genre: fantasy, in all its possible forms. Although I consider that the meaning of "genre" itself functions as a kind of river that converges into the sea, the use of fantastic resources are the stories that capture me the most. They leave a vibration in my nerves and a need to construct images, free for my imagination. In addition, I have a lot of fun thinking about the background inspiration and the real-world references that are used.
In my opinion, the best thing about the genre that honors man's transcendental fear of the inexplicable is that it gives us space to show hypotheses or analogies of many things that seem absurd in everyday life among people. It highlights the magic of oral tradition and that what is true in man: creating or inventing the gaps in knowledge in what he experiences.
Más allá del horizonte 🔹
La fantasia no es el único género que consumo. Apenas este año me he dado la oportunidad de buscar –con intención– libros de fantasia (más allá de Harry Potter, el Señor de los anillos, El retarto de Dorian Grey, entre otros clásicos). He ido por la senda de la sinopsis: si me atrapa, lo sigo leyendo; pero, conforme catalogo mis libros podrás encontrar que me encanta la literatura gótica, la ciencia ficción y derivados al punk, el romance, juvenil y retellings, y, último pero no menos importante, la no-ficción. Mis escritores favoritos son Anne Rice y Haruki Murakami, y siempre estoy en la búsqueda de escritores en plataformas virtuales para brindar apoyo.
Hasta la fecha, a lo mejor habrá un género que se me escape de las manos, pero hasta los libros de historia podrían ser la mejor de las novelas, siempre que tengas un estilo particular para contarlo.
Over the horizon 🔹
Fantasy is not the only genre I consume. Just this year I have given myself the opportunity to –intentionally– seek out fantasy books (beyond Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, The Portrait of Dorian Gray, and other classics). I have gone down the path of the synopsis: if it catches my attention, I keep reading it; but, as I catalog my books you will find that I love gothic literature, science fiction and derivatives of punk, romance, young adult and retellings, and, last but not least, non-fiction. My favorite writers are Anne Rice and Haruki Murakami, and I am always looking for writers on virtual platforms to provide support.
Until today, they may be books in my shelf with genres I have not notice, even history books could be the best novels, as long as you have a particular style to pass it down to others.
Actualmente el libro que voy escribiendo no tiene nombre, pero lo identifico como Proyecto Chromática. Pasé la pandemia escribiendo muchos microrrelatos entorno a los personajes principales y secundarios, quitando, poniendo, investigando tanto inspiraciones como recursos de escritura, hasta que a mediados del 2021 di por terminado el worldbuilding. 🎉🎉🎉
Resulta bastante emocionante tener las bases del mundo en el que se mueven los personajes, porque así me evito quedarme en blanco mientras llego a una escena que voy redactando como alma que lleva el diablo, pero dejemos esos detalles sobre la verosimilitud y estabilidad de la historia para otro post.
Así todos ganamos, yo me emociono, y quien le quiera dar la oportunidad se emociona también. Soy ese mapache con mis lectores beta 😆
My projects
As for me and what I write, I have had many attempts to write various genres through micro-stories and short stories. Still, it was in 2020 that I managed to feel completely satisfied within fantasy as a niche to which I dedicate my letters.⭐️
The book I'm currently writing doesn't have a name, but I'm identifying it as Project Chromatica. I spent the pandemic writing many micro-stories around the main and secondary characters, removing, adding, researching both inspirations and writing resources, until mid-2021 when I finished the worldbuilding. 🎉🎉🎉
It's quite exciting to have the basics of the world in which the characters move, because that way I avoid going blank while I'm writing a scene like crazy, but let's leave those details about the plausibility and stability of the story for another post. For now, I like to share the existence of this little piece of the universe that I build with a lot of love and dedication. 💜 I plan to show some of the inspirations and to ensure that the stories of characters adjacent to the main stories are not forgotten. This way we all win, I get excited, and whoever wants to give it a chance gets excited too.
P.D: I'm that raccoon above with my beta readers. 😆

¡Comparte tu elixir!
Ya sabes un poco del pasatiempo que me dan aliento para seguir en la dureza del mundo. ¡Ahora es tu turno!
¿Cómo comenzaste tu pasatiempo?
¿Qué inspiró o influenció el mismo?
¿Cómo lo percibes?
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◽️ Si tu pasatiempo engloba la escritura, lectura o cualquier forma de arte, ¡deja tu link aquí! Con gusto lo leo y lo comparto.
Share your elixir!
You already know a little about the hobby that gives me the strength to continue in the harshness of the world. Now it's your turn!
How did you start your hobby? What inspired or influenced it? How do you perceive it? That way, we can make a chain of supporters.
◽️ If you liked this post, you can tell me a little about your elixir in the comments.
◽️ If you want to share your experience as a new entry on your blog, don't forget to share it in your preferred community.
◽️ If your hobby includes writing, reading or any form of art, leave your link here! I'll be happy to read and share it.
¡Gracias por leer!
Portadas, divisores e imágenes decorativas hechas en Canva
Imagen "CHR" de mi autoría ©️ con Inkscape
Para más frases de E. Hemingway: Aquí
GIF's de Tenor
Thanks for reading!
Headings, dividers and images made with Canva
Imagen of "CHR" by me ©️ with Inkscape
Link above for Hemingway phrases in spanish - I translated it
GIF with Tenor
Un recorrido muy ilustrativo acerca de tus inicios y progreso en el mundo de la lectura y la escritura, elaborado con cuidado lenguaje, precisas referencias y apropiadas imágenes visuales. Gracias y saludos, @tintaenjupiter.
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