The Bruce Highway Action Plan Program Evaluation (Appendices, End Notes, and References)

in Economics15 days ago


Below are the appendices, end notes, and references for the paper The Bruce Highway Action Plan Program Evaluation.

Appendix A

Table 9: Results of BHAP Capacity Projects Evaluated with CARP

ProjectFunding Project Name NPV ($) BCR
C1 BHAP Cairns SAC Stage 3 – Kate St to Aumuller St -77,213,044 0.03
C3 NB2 Cairns SAC Stage 2 – Robert Rd to Foster Rd 45,820,0002
C4 BHAP Edmonton to Gordonvale Duplication -156,797,288 0.48
C11 BHAP Townsville Northern Access – Intersections -25,251,631 0.34
C13 NB2 MacArthur & Melton Black Drives Intersection 24,411,154 2
C16BHAP Bowen Intersection Upgrade -25,713,888 0.04
C19BHAP Knobels Rd Intersection Upgrade 6,000,000 2.2
C20 BHAP Mackay Northern Access Upgrade - Stage 2 -30,352,887 0.24
C21 NB2 Mackay Northern Access Upgrade 12,370,545 1.12
C23 NB2 Mackay Intersection Upgrades Stage 2 13,610,000 2.4
C24b BHAP Mackay Ring Road Stage 1 Construction 606,633,413 2.35
C26 BHAP Hay Point Road to Mackay Duplication -218,508,625 0.44
C27BHAP Hay Point Road Intersection Upgrade -15,145,614 0.43
C28 BHAP Sarina to Hay Point Road Duplication -191,770,422 0.34
C29 NB2 Sarina Northern Access Upgrade - Coast Rd -4,515,257 0.69
C30 BHAP Rockhampton Northern Access Upgrade - S2 -80,876,381 0.15
C31 BHAP Rockhampton Northern Access Upgrade - S1 -72,730,761 0.04
C32 BHAP Rockhampton Intersection upgrades -19,097,193 0.59
C42 BHAP Tinana Interchange 23,851,426 1.48
C43 BHAP Wide Bay Highway Intersection (C45 built) -44,268,686 0.11
C43 BHAP Wide Bay Highway Intersection (C45 not built) -39,240,964 0.22
C44 BHAP Gympie Northern Approach Intersection Upgrades (Section D built) -112,261,525 0.12
C45/C46 BHAP Cooroy to Curra - Section D (Stages 1 & 2) -505,185,103 0.75
C47 BHAP Cooroy to Curra - Section C (Section D built) 376,668,653 1.63
C47 BHAP Cooroy to Curra - Section C (Section D not built) 346,013,096 1.58
C49 NB2 Cooroy to Curra - Section A -124,540,496 0.84
C50 BHAP Maroochydore Road Interchange Upgrade - Stages 1 & 2 -43,642,984 0.79
C51 BHAP Caloundra Road to Sunshine Motorway - Stage 4 (Stages 1 – 4) -1,408,359,418 0.25
C53 BHAP Boundary Road Interchange Upgrade -2,788,076 0.97
C54 NB2 Managed Motorways - Gateway Motorway 370,704,869 2.72
---- Total -1,765,183,215 0.78
Source: TMR 2013-

Table 10: Results of BHAP Flood Immunity Projects Evaluated with CARP

Project Funding Project Name NPV ($) BCR
F3 BHAP Meunga/Sunbeam/Lily -26,644,493 0.65
F4 BHAP Ingham to Cardwell Range Deviation -702,502,989 0.11
F4/F5 BHAP Cattle/Ingham/Cardwell -763,858,109 0.18
F5 NB2 Cattle and Frances Creek Upgrade -109,714,804 0.21
F6 BHAP Haughton River Upgrade -397,283,384 0.11
F8 BHAP Burdekin Deviation Stages 1 and 2 -377,662,248 0.74
F9 NB2 Yellow Gin Creek Upgrade -43,725,950 0.09
F10 NB2 Sandy Gully Bridge Upgrade -70,035,637 0.07
F11 BHAP Goorganga Plains Upgrade – Preserve -304,170,956 0.07
F12 BHAP Jumper Creek Upgrade -9,116,930 0.37
F13 NB2 Yeppen Floodplain South Upgrade -149,309,621 0.49
F14 BHAP Currajong Creek Bridge Upgrade -44,566,698 0.16
F15 BHAP Saltwater Creek Bridge Upgrade -38,291,244 0.25
F16 BHAP Tiaro Flood Immunity Upgrades 240,839,436 6.20
---- Total - 1,983,825,834 0.49
Source: TMR [2]-

Appendix B

Table 11: Capital Costs and Estimate Stage (Capacity Projects)

Project Type Project Name Capital Cost ($) Estimate Stage
C1 BHAP Cairns SAC Stage 3 – Kate St to Aumuller St 80,000,000 P90
C3 NB2 Cairns SAC Stage 2 – Robert Rd to Foster Rd 58,000,000 P90
C4 BHAP Edmonton to Gordonvale Duplication 300,000,000 P90
C11 BHAP Townsville Northern Access – Intersections 30,000,000 Other
C13 NB2 MacArthur & Melton Black Drives Intersection 26,000,000 P50
C16 BHAP Bowen Intersection Upgrade 20,000,000 Other
C19 BHAP Knobels Rd Intersection Upgrade 5,000,000 Planning
C20 BHAP Mackay Northern Access Upgrade - Stage 2 40,000,000 Other
C21 NB2 Mackay Northern Access Upgrade 80,000,000 Other
C23 NB2 Mackay Intersection Upgrades Stage 2 9,000,000 Other
C24b BHAP Mackay Ring Road Stage 1 Construction 450,000,000 Planning
C26 BHAP Hay Point Road to Mackay Duplication 390,000,000 Strategic
C27 BHAP Hay Point Road Intersection Upgrade 20,000,000 Strategic
C28 BHAP Sarina to Hay Point Road Duplication 290,000,000 Other
C29 NB2 Sarina Northern Access Upgrade - Coast Rd 11,000,000 Other
C30 BHAP Rockhampton Northern Access Upgrade - S2 95,000,000 Unit Rates
C31 BHAP Rockhampton Northern Access Upgrade - S1 75,000,000 Unit Rates
C32 BHAP Rockhampton Intersection upgrades 30,000,000 Strategic
C42 BHAP Tinana Interchange 50,000,000 Other
C43 BHAP Wide Bay Highway Intersection (C45 built) 50,000,000 Other
C44 BHAP Wide Bay Highway Intersection (C45 not built) 110,000,000 Other
C45/C46 BHAP Gympie Northern Approach Intersection Upgrades (Section D built) 2,050,000,000 Concept
C47 BHAP Cooroy to Curra - Section D (Stages 1 & 2) 600,000,000 Concept
C49 NB2 Cooroy to Curra - Section C (Section D built) 790,000,000 Concept
C50 BHAP Cooroy to Curra - Section C (Section D not built) 209,000,000 Unit Rates
C51 BHAP Cooroy to Curra - Section A 1,875,000,000 Prelim
C53 BHAP Maroochydore Road Interchange Upgrade - Stages 1 & 2 110,000,000 Prelim
C54 NB2 Caloundra Road to Sunshine Motorway - Stage 4 (Stages 1 - 4) 215,000,000 Strategic
Source: TMR [27]-

Table 12: Capital Costs and Estimate Stage (Flood Immunity Projects)

Project Funding Project Name Capital Cost ($) Estimate Stage
F3 BHAP Meunga/Sunbeam/Lily 80,000,000 Concept
F4 BHAP Ingham to Cardwell Range Deviation 810,000,000 PPR
F4/F5 BHAP Cattle/Ingham/Cardwell 145,000,000 PPR/Concept
F5 NB2 Cattle and Frances Creek Upgrade 955,000,000 Concept
F6 BHAP Haughton River Upgrade 460,000,000 Tender
F8 BHAP Burdekin Deviation Stages 1 and 2 1,430,000,000 Prelim
F9 NB2 Yellow Gin Creek Upgrade 49,000,000 Prelim
F10 NB2 Sandy Gully Bridge Upgrade 80,000,000 P90
F11 BHAP Goorganga Plains Upgrade - Preserve 340,000,000 PPR
F12 BHAP Jumper Creek Upgrade 15,000,000 Prelim
F13 NB2 Yeppen Floodplain South Upgrade 296,000,000 Prelim
F14 BHAP Currajong Creek Bridge Upgrade 55,000,000 P90
F15 BHAP Saltwater Creek Bridge Upgrade 52,000,000 Strategic
F16 BHAP Tiaro Flood Immunity Upgrades 60,000,000 Strategic
Source: TMR[28]-

Appendix C

Figure 1: Map of the Bruce Highway and Proposed Projects


Source: TMR [2]

End Notes

  1. Appendix C contains a map of the Bruce Highway, which includes the locations of all the BHAP projects.
  2. BHAP is referred to as both the funding body as well as the strategic action plan that encapsulates the NBP1, NB2 and BHAP funded projects.
  3. MRS defines the number of carriageways, seal width and accident rate for a specific road type (TMR 2011a)[8]
  4. Projects may have been ranked prior to the CBA using alternative methods such as multi-criteria analysis.
  5. The BCR has been presented in the BHAP report rather than the NBIR as the BCR was stated as the requirement from the TMR BHAP committee.
  6. Although this assumption is unrealistic, in order to compare project results, all projects need to be evaluated over the same period.
  7. Chartview is an ARMIS database containing road characteristics and traffic data.
  8. Q50 Bridge is built to a standard where it will only flood during a 50-year or worse flood event.
  9. Maintenance costs are based on information provided by the Regions.
  10. Projects are recommended based on obtaining a BCR above one for the Flood Immunity Program of Works rather than each project achieving a BCR above one.
  11. SIDRA Intersection is a well-known software package used worldwide for intersection capacity, level of service and performance analysis by traffic design, operations and planning professionals [21].
  12. VOC have been calculated within CARP as the SIDRA fuel consumption data was not provided with the other SIDRA data, which was recorded in a spreadsheet.
  13. ‘Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) cover any technology applied to transport and infrastructure to transfer information between systems for improved safety, productivity and environmental performance’ [22].
  14. The upstream area is the section of road immediately preceding the overtaking lane [8].
  15. The downstream area of the overtaking lane is the section of road immediately following the overtaking lane [8].
  16. The results covered in this section are just a broad overview of the program. A detailed discussion of the benefit and cost streams of each project or even the program as a whole would require another paper. The TMR BHAP report contains more information regarding the results.
  17. Maintaining a program NPV of greater than one is important to demonstrate the overall viability of the program form a strategic approach even though the benefits of some of the projects are understated.
  18. P50 estimate is an estimate with a 50% confidence of not being exceeded at project completion, while not being conservative [25].
  19. P90 estimate is an estimate with a 90% confidence of not being exceeded at project completion, while not being conservative [25].


[1] Transport and Main Roads (2012), Bruce Highway Action Plan “Out of the Crisis”, Queensland Government

[2] Transport and Main Roads (2013), Benefit Cost Analysis – Bruce Highway Action Plan Economic Evaluation, Queensland Government, Brisbane (Unpublished)

[3] Nemhauser, G. L. and Ullmann, Z. (1969), Discrete Dynamic Programming and Capital Allocation, Management Science, 15, (9), 494-505

[4] Gear, T. E. and Cowie, G. C. (1980), A Note on Modeling Project Interdependence in Research and Development, Decision Science, 11, 738-748

[5] Fox, G. E., Baker, N. R. and Bryant, L. J. (1984), Economic Models for R&D Project Selection in the Presence of Project Interactions, Management Science, 30, 890-902

[6] Tao, X. and Schonfeld, P. (2006), Selection and Scheduling of Interdependent Transportation Projects with Island Models, Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, No. 1981, Transportation Research Board of the National Academies, Washington, D.C., 133-141

[7] Davies, W. (2012), Road Program Evaluation: Assessing the Bigger Picture, 25th ARRB Conference

[8] Transport and Main Roads (2011), Cost-benefit Analysis Manual: Road Projects, Queensland Government, Brisbane

[9] Austroads (2005), Economic Evaluation of Road Infrastructure Investment Proposals: Harmonisation of Non-Urban Road User Cost Models, Austroads, AP-R264/05

[10] Austroads (2001), Economic Evaluation of Road Investment Proposals: Improved Predictions Model for Road Crash Savings, Austroads, AP-R184

[11] Road Transport Authority (2004), Accident Reduction Guide, NSW Government

[12] Austroads (2012), Guide to Project Evaluation – Part 4: Project Evaluation Data (Updated Road User Effects Unit Values), Austroads

[13] Austroads (1996), Benefit Cost Analysis Manual, Austroads, Sydney

[14] Australian Transport Council (2006): National Guidelines for Transport Systems Management in Australia, 5 Background material, Commonwealth of Australia, Canberra

[15] Campbell, H. F. and Brown, R. P. C., (2007), Benefit-Cost Analysis Financial and Economic Appraisal Using Spreadsheets, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge

[16] Davies, W. (2011), Advanced Methods of Evaluating Benefits from Improved Flood Immunity in Queensland, Australasian Transport Research Forum 2011

[17] Transport and Main Roads (2012), Bruce Highway Upgrade (Cooroy to Curra), Queensland Government (Unpublished)

[18] Transport and Main Roads (2011), Boundary Road Interchange Upgrade, Queensland Government

[19] Transport and Main Roads (2012), Bruce Highway Action Plan – Project Descriptions, Queensland Government (Unpublished)

[20] Transport and Main Roads (2010), National Managed Motorways Discussion Paper, Queensland Government (Unpublished)

[21] VIASTRADA (2008), SIDRA Solutions, VIASTRADA LTD, available at, accessed 27/05/2013

[22] Department of Infrastructure and Transport (2013), Intelligent Transport Systems, Australian Government, available at, accessed 27/05/2013

[23] Transport and Main Roads (2012), Bruce Widening, Queensland Government, Brisbane (Unpublished)

[24] Department of Infrastructure and Transport (2013), A Ten Year Plan for a Better, Safer Bruce Highway, Australian Government

[25] Transport and Main Roads (2012), Project Cost Estimating Manual Fifth Edition, Queensland Government

[26] Miller, E. M. (2005), The Cutoff Benefit-Cost Ratio Should Exceed One.: An article from:
Engineering Economist, Institute of Industrial Engineers.

[27] Transport and Main Roads (2012), Capacity Projects – 20120829, Queensland Government (Unpublished Spreadsheet)

[28] Transport and Main Roads (2012), Flooding Projects – 20120829, Queensland Government (Unpublished Spreadsheet)


@spectrumecons side note, I was reading through a Sapiens Loop post that came through my feed, I think even though it's fiction, it is political fiction, or science fiction with a political aspect, it might be reasonable to add in a #Politics if there is tag space remaining.


Posted using Political Hive

 8 days ago  

There is a political aspect to several of the chapters. It is a little late to add the tag to the book 2 chapters. I will consider it for the next book and even the short stories.


$PIZZA slices delivered:
(10/20) @alohaed tipped @spectrumecons