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RE: Step outside your comfort zone and get ahead of 99% of people

in Personal Development10 months ago

Soon enough, these habits will become second nature to you

I stopped counting daily wins a long time ago, because I stepped out of the group of people around me in various fields. I dared to travel more than the people around me, accepted a responsible job that others didn't want (or dared), got into crypto...

Do something that might cause you a little bit of anxiety

I am currently in a phase where I have activities that sometimes make me anxious, but I also like them, because they bring me new excitement.

It is important that you have the option of choosing and that:As our friend @ph1102 (thanks to whom I found your post), wrote the other day on the topic of "Freedom of choice", I completely agree with both of you.

Choose what kind of pain you want instead of sitting around and have life choose for you.

I just need to dare to face that pain, because I already know what it is about😅

I will be glad to hear you tomorrow in #HHHlive, even if I don't dare to speak in the live show 🙂


Love this comment! Thanks so much and yeah I really think I should come say hi for #HHHlive tomorrow.

Great to read you're improving yourself all the time.