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RE: 1938 Chev Pickup

in The LIFESTYLE LOUNGE5 years ago (edited)

And a voodoo dol ghanging from the mirror?

That is part of his signature :) It lives in every car he does until he sells it.

The seats are a pretty special vintage themselves. They are out of a WWII B-17 bomber. That's what the pilot and co-pilot sat on. They are pretty rare, now days.

Besides, it's really not made for road tripping. :)

Maybe tomorrow I'll catch him on his latest vintage motorcycle: A 1945 Harley Davidson 45. Really rare because all the military bikes (90% of HDs output) during the war are titled 1942. It's pretty cool, too.

Thank you for stopping by!


Ohhh sorry hahahah it looks scary. And the vintage seats are cool and if it’s for small rides ik I guess hahaha I made a blog once about old army bikes on sun STEEM I will try to find it