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RE: Yellow, green and blue

in The LIFESTYLE LOUNGE4 years ago

Clueulus!? :)) Well, that is a good way to solve that problem. When in doubt, make up your own word. Works for me. I can play with that. Shoveling donuts down. How will you ever keep that girlish manly figure if you don't stop? Oh, yeah... hike it.

Sounds like a perfect day to strike out on the trail! You are truly lucky to live in a place where winters are there, but, not really worth opponents. I love sleeping outdoors in the cooler air. It gives me that deep sleep that is almost impossible to find anywhere else. I have to admit, that because it is summer here, the thought of ticks crossed my mind. Then I remember it is winter. I have never gotten a tick on me then. (Although, my horse did two years ago. I was shocked! I had no idea they were out then.)

I hope you have a great first day back at work!


I make up words all the time; sometimes I share my brilliance, other times not.

Work? Should be ok I guess but I'm not really all that keen on going. I'm having trouble sleeping right now so if I happen to be up most of the night then I feel sorry for people at work tomorrow. There could be beatings.

 4 years ago  
