Yellow, green and blue

dazz (25).png

Four hours; that's how long I was out hiking yesterday. It's probably against the rules of the current lockdown imposed by the government but clearly I don't care; and no, I didn't wear a mask, just a happy smile on what is otherwise a plain and uninteresting face.

The previous two days were spent inside due to the weather; I ventured out for a hike on Sunday but got drenched within the first half hour and due to the cold and windy day decided that enough. Sense prevailed.

I've not been idle though as I've had plenty to do. I actually enjoy these lockdowns am not one to whinge and complain about being home. I love it; a paid holiday from work in which I'm supposed to work from home. Umm, yeah right, as if that's going to happen.

I've been exercising though; pumping iron, on the rowing machine and treadmill and all that energetic stuff...And if you believe that you're bonkers. About the only exercise I've done in the last two days has been shovelling donuts and coffee into my mouth, flipping pages of my book and holding the couch down whilst watching the Olympics.

I'll admit that I needed to get outside, for my sanity, and so I did.


Here's a few of the photos I took with my Samsung S20 whilst hiking yesterday.

It was a good day with ample sunshine although still cold and a little windy. There was no rain though, just a few muddy puddles to slosh through as I hiked along. I took a winding route up to the ruins of the old farmstead built in the 1850's, now not much more than a few walls. I ended up hiking 13.7 kilometres and it was good to work up a sweat and get the muscles and lungs working; I had to work off those donuts. [Didn't really eat donuts all weekend]

The sky was really interesting as it had several different types of cloud formations; don't ask me to name them as I have no clue. Cirrus, Altocumulus, Cirrostratus, Cumulus and Cirrocumulus is what I think, but it could have been any because I'm clueulus! See what I did there folks? Clueulus! Come on, that was a little funny right? Just a bit?


I took lunch with me today as I started hiking at 10:30 and figured I'd stop for a break; trail mix, crackers and a little thing of tuna fish washed down by some water tastes way better when hiking. The spot above was where I stopped; it was off the trail in the advent of someone coming by. I actually saw no one and had no intention of doing so.

The sound of the grasses rubbing together as the wind pushed at them and the birds in the trees was pretty nice. After eating I laid back amongst the grasses and watched the clouds overhead for a little bit. Ok, so maybe I fell asleep for a while, no harm done though right? The sun warmed me, the sounds around serenaded me and it felt like a pretty perfect moment for a nap. Ah, the joys of covid-lockdown and working from home.

I'm really fortunate to live in a place where winters are mild with a lot of days in which the sky is blue and the sun shines. I needed my hike yesterday and I actually also went earlier today as well. I go most days to be honest when weather permits. Ninety minutes is a more usual time frame, the longer hikes are usually reserved for the weekends; With this lockdown though, every day is a weekend for me so yeah, thanks government, I appreciate the holiday greatly! Unfortunately it's lifting tonight though so...Back to the office to work.

And how about you folks? How has your week started?

Design and create your ideal life, don't live it by default - Tomorrow isn't promised so be humble and kind

Discord: galenkp#9209

All images are my own.


Beautiful shots! Is hiking really against you country's lockdown rules? But...But...It's outside! Keep being a rebel!

On an unrelated not, how good are you with computers? I'm trying to set up my new laptop and Hive is being a pain in the butt. My passwords work on my old computer but when I try to log into my new one and set that up, it's an epic fail. Can I only be signed in on one computer at a time or something? I can't comment, vote or fuck all on my new one.

Nah, hiking isn't as long as one is within 2.5 kilometres from their home. That hike I took is literally across the road from my house so I'm fortunate. Each State has different rules and some States have different rules for different regions. It's messy. Our will be lifted tonight at midnight though, I';; be back at the office tomorrow morning.

You should be able to log in on multiple. Have you got Keychain add on in Google? That's how I log in.


the 2.5 km rule is weird, I don't see why it matters if you social distance. You guys are backwards. Luckily it's done soon but it does sound messy. We could go anywhere outside when we were on lockdown as long as we stayed away from other people.

Nothing works bro, I'm so over this. I remember having this same problem setting this laptop up. I just don't remember what I did, it just suddenly worked one day. I'm so over this really. I don't know why they make it so difficult to access one's own account. Nothing keys related works on the new computer.

You guys are backwards.

And I'm the most backwards of the lot!

That's weird about the computer. Should be a simple matter of going to the website and logging in. Have you tried hivesigner?

yes, that's what I normally use, and imported all the info can't log in with password or key...yet everything works fine here. I agree it should be as simple as going to the website and signing in. I can't even comment, I have to switch computers back and forth to do anything here yet steem stuff works fine as a test so it's hive and not the computer or my incompetence.

I have been trying to see my private active keys on this computer and can't either, it shows me all the public keys on here yet I can do wallet stuff. Like I said, I'm over this for tonight before I lose my shit. Noe I'm afraid to log out here and not being able to get back in.

Maybe clear your browser cache and start from scratch? I had to do that once and it worked.

I'll try that tomorrow. Tired of banging my head against the wall on pc crap for tonight. I should probably go to bed.

Hehehe, you're clueulus! Hahaha!
A wonderful collage of photos. I would say that you have a fantastic walk.
Be careful with those donuts...

Lol...At least someone liked my joke!

Yeah, it was a good hike; sore feet and a smile on my mug means it was!

I actually only had one donut and it was a small one; I exaggerated a little is all...OK, two!

Oh, okay... one is okay. Wait... two? You were indeed feeding your face! Hahaha!

Lol...Well, they were healthy donuts you know. 😇

Oh, excuse me! They are Keto donuts! I get it!

Lol...Ah yeah keto ones! You know me, always looking for the healthy options.

Are you for real? Now donuts for breakfast really are a thing!

Sure is, @galenkp, once in a while, LOL 😀

Please safely distance yourself 6 feet err... 2 meters from the television.


Yeah, my mum used to say I'll get square eyes if I sat too close; I did what I was told. Later in life though I solved the problem by getting a fucken massive TV! Lol.


Beautiful pics, and nice work on that hike. The government doesn't allow you to be outside? that's crazy - not once was that not allowed over here in cheesehead country. At least it was never enforced to my knowledge - I did get looks when I passed people without a mask, but what can you do??

This spot is literally across the road from my house...Lucky huh?

Yeah, we're allowed outside to exercise but only 2.5 kilometres from home as a maximum and in groups under two or some such thing. Going for a drive is not permitted though; one person from the household can go to the supermarket, doctor, chemist etc. per day.

It's all lifting tonight though [Tuesday] and tomorrow I'll be back at the office. There's still heavy restrictions in place but most businesses will reopen. The restrictions revolve around how many people can be in each 4sqm of internal space. Pubs and hotels will be at 25% capacity which essentially means they will not be viable. Masks on public transport etc.

It's a bit draconian but it's knocked the covid down. No cases yesterday. Sydney are having upper-100's every day. It's out of control there. So, I guess it's ok. I've enjoyed having to work from home.

So's been the wild west here since June of last year. Masks are still required for public transportation, but that's about it. Everything else has been open for the most part. My employer, for example, had a mask policy but no one adhered to it unless a manager was around. Plus there was a massive cover up of cases early on to keep money flowing for a restructure.. pretty sad story just to make a few people a lot of money.

I agree on the work from home - that was my favorite thing about last year, but also squashed in June. Debits and credits just can't be made remotely, you know???

It's all a bit of a joke really. To be honest I have got through the whole thing without wearing a mask and we've not been very restricted at all, just a couple of weeks here and there where lockdowns were enforced. Sydney and Melbourne copped it though.

I'd like to work from home all the time although I have to meet clients so...Not possible.

Looks like a decent hike and lovely weather for it :D it's been kind of stormy over here so poor dogs haven't even had normal walks never mind being able to go on nice treks like this.

It was a pretty legit hike. I went today also, early, but it was windy AF...Still ok but not as enjoyable.

Pelting with rain right now...I'm on the couch watching the women's K1 Slalom from the Olympics with our gal Jess Fox paddling for gold. Go Jess.

I have to go back to work tomorrow Ry, lockdown lifted from midnight tonight; that shit is just not good! 😊

The dogs will have to wait until the weather clears huh? 😂

Sometimes they go if it's a bit drizzly but then I'll coward out XD I don't get to walk with J much anymore as every day is crazy busy x_x (but mostly fun so it's all right)

So your next job is going to be mostly work from home or wherever else you like then? :D

Crazy busy days. I would hate that. It was part of my life a while back and these days I'm not into it; I don't want to work that hard at life preferring a smooth-sailing casualness to my days mostly.

Crazy busy comes with having active kids on top of your own things ^_^;

Yes, I understand. I sometimes wonder how people fit it all in but most tend to get things done. We're adaptable creatures.

I wonder that too especially about the people that are either doing more things or have more kids, I can barely keep up with what I'm doing XD

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 4 years ago  

Clueulus!? :)) Well, that is a good way to solve that problem. When in doubt, make up your own word. Works for me. I can play with that. Shoveling donuts down. How will you ever keep that girlish manly figure if you don't stop? Oh, yeah... hike it.

Sounds like a perfect day to strike out on the trail! You are truly lucky to live in a place where winters are there, but, not really worth opponents. I love sleeping outdoors in the cooler air. It gives me that deep sleep that is almost impossible to find anywhere else. I have to admit, that because it is summer here, the thought of ticks crossed my mind. Then I remember it is winter. I have never gotten a tick on me then. (Although, my horse did two years ago. I was shocked! I had no idea they were out then.)

I hope you have a great first day back at work!

I make up words all the time; sometimes I share my brilliance, other times not.

Work? Should be ok I guess but I'm not really all that keen on going. I'm having trouble sleeping right now so if I happen to be up most of the night then I feel sorry for people at work tomorrow. There could be beatings.

 4 years ago  


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A case of the Wuu Fluu and a Lock Down for You Too...

Government Tyranny, recreating a Penal Colony.

But the real sickness lies, right behind your dictators eyes,

Mental illness they exhibit, our future it prohibits.

Hysteria spreading, cleverly named virus shedding.

The mask You must wear, looks like underwear. And nothing it stops. But beware the cops.

The government they serve, with no freedoms preserved.

The mask is a must, or your skull they will bust.

Control they will force. Destroying Our future of course.

They hiked along with you, inside your pocket their tool.

I will end this here, With this communication they will steal.

I'm actually sick of talking about it, hearing about it and thinking about it.