Looks like a decent hike and lovely weather for it :D it's been kind of stormy over here so poor dogs haven't even had normal walks never mind being able to go on nice treks like this.

Looks like a decent hike and lovely weather for it :D it's been kind of stormy over here so poor dogs haven't even had normal walks never mind being able to go on nice treks like this.
It was a pretty legit hike. I went today also, early, but it was windy AF...Still ok but not as enjoyable.
Pelting with rain right now...I'm on the couch watching the women's K1 Slalom from the Olympics with our gal Jess Fox paddling for gold. Go Jess.
I have to go back to work tomorrow Ry, lockdown lifted from midnight tonight; that shit is just not good! 😊
The dogs will have to wait until the weather clears huh? 😂
Sometimes they go if it's a bit drizzly but then I'll coward out XD I don't get to walk with J much anymore as every day is crazy busy x_x (but mostly fun so it's all right)
So your next job is going to be mostly work from home or wherever else you like then? :D
Crazy busy days. I would hate that. It was part of my life a while back and these days I'm not into it; I don't want to work that hard at life preferring a smooth-sailing casualness to my days mostly.
Crazy busy comes with having active kids on top of your own things ^_^;
Yes, I understand. I sometimes wonder how people fit it all in but most tend to get things done. We're adaptable creatures.
I wonder that too especially about the people that are either doing more things or have more kids, I can barely keep up with what I'm doing XD
Best to sell them on eBay, cash in and live the high-life methinks.