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RE: 12 of 81, Poems from the Tao, Poetry, Photography, and Spoken Word

in The LIFESTYLE LOUNGE5 years ago

We see with our eyes, not with our hands... my mother used to tell her nine kids that when we went to the store with her. Yes, back in the days when mothers took their children everywhere with them.

Poems from the Tao, the music is so compelling, moving me towards the words of wisdom. I like how they use one to teach the other.

Lovely, Pryde. It actually gives me goosebumps listening to it. Your voice lends a seductive tone, making one want to hear more.

Upped and Reposted

!tip .20


Thank you so much, Denise. These poems gave me so much both while making them and the recordings and continue to do so. It makes me so pleased to read that they help others too. It was one of the reasons why I recorded them. Thank you, thank you:)

 5 years ago  

My pleasure, always!