It's Thursday 10th September 2020! Drop A link To an Undervalued post For chance Of resteem Upvote and Tweet (or leave Me a Comment and I'll check Out your Blog)

Hello 🐝lovely🐝bees🐝! It’s Thursday 10th September 2020! Happy Almost-Friday!

Yesterday we started the day in the other house, having slept over. I had time to do a little work (started measuring and cutting wood and drilling holes in the wall, for building an island in the kitchen - a jutting out piece of worksurface that can also be used as a table), before packing up and returning to our B&B. In the afternoon I worked a shift in the artisanal shop.

In the evening we had two lots of guests arrive, one expected and one last minute booking. We served a meal to the expected guests (they had prebooked it).

Today, I have a room to clean and then I will concentrate on planning for the #ZapFicWeekend challenge and do some felting too.

Let me know what your plans are!

I hope you are all well and keeping safe.

I have done some Hive curation this morning, and will be doing more work on Hive later.

Let me know what you are up to!

I hope you guys have a wonderful day.

Stay cool, everyone.

Be fantabulous! #BeHIVE!

I am looking to promote good posts on Twitter.

Show your posts (and other peoples posts) some #HIVElove! Drop a link to an undervalued post for the chance of a upvote, reblog and tweet!

If you don’t like self-promotion just leave me a comment and I’ll go check out your blog!

If you leave a link to someone elses post and I like it I will Reblog, Upvote and Tweet it AND I will take a look at your blog and do the same for one of your posts (if you haven’t posted in the last 7 days I’ll send you a TIP via the new PeakD tipping system)

Follow me on Twitter:

Here are some #HIVElove Tweets from yesterday:


Join the #Freewriters #WritingCommunity on #HIVE!

Daily Freewrite Prompts by @mariannewest

Curation of your #freewrite posts

Contests and challenges

A non-judgemental and supportive #WritingCommunity on the #HIVE blockchain!

Find us on PeakD

Follow us on Twitter:

Be creative! Be whatever you want to be. #BeHIVE!


Join the Powerhousecreatives

A community dedicated to producing quality content in multiple genres, offering our subscribers a read worthy feed.

I also run a bed and breakfast in France!

You are free to use this gif : Be Free, #BeHIVE

Posted using Dapplr



We're a crypto online school for portuguese language speakers. 💪
Cheers ! ✌️

Thanks for dropping by! I have reblogged, and tweeted your post. Unfortunately, it was too late to upvote it so I've sent you a little gift instead!

Welcome to Hive!

Thank you very much ! 😃✌️

Congratulations, your post has been added to Pinmapple! 🎉🥳🍍

Did you know every user has their own profile map?
And so does every post as well!

Want to have your post on the map too?

  • Go to Pinmapple
  • Click the get code button
  • Click on the map where your post should be (zoom in if needed)
  • Copy and paste the generated code in your post (Hive only)
  • Congrats, your post is now on the map!

Hey there. Thanks for this chance to show quality posts, because although some of them are valued in hearts, they are low in Hive tokens.

This is an entry for a challenge I'm hosting El Arepazo Mundial. It was posted by @miriannalis as a sample, who is also hosting the challenge.

Some entries have received a high number of Hive tokens, but others have not, even though they are good. I guess it's because the authors are new or they don't have much visibility

El Dua Mundial de la Arepa (Arepa's [dish] World Day) is an international event of the organization @venmundo, you are invited to check this account in IG. They are also about to open an account here on Hive. I know it will bring a large number of users since the organization has 4,064 followers. So I think a great part of them will come here.

This is another example of an entry by @rosa4r whose post is great but only has 0.13 Hive

There are others but I don't want to abuse your kindness.

Thank you again. I appreciate it.

Thank you for dropping by! Oh if we could only work out why some posts get attention and others don't! It is a mystery!

I Reblogged, Upvoted and Tweeted these posts:

and this one:

~~~ embed:1304325384113131521 twitter metadata:RmVsdEJ1enpXcml0ZXN8fGh0dHBzOi8vdHdpdHRlci5jb20vRmVsdEJ1enpXcml0ZXMvc3RhdHVzLzEzMDQzMjUzODQxMTMxMzE1MjF8 ~~~

Feel free to come to my Friday post (not yet published and drop some other links!

Thanks for dropping by! Your pictures of your daughter are very cute!

Have a great day

Reblogged, Upvoted and Tweeted:

Hey hey!

I recorded this live session which I thought didn't turn out all that bad, if I don't say so m' self.
Hope you'll check it out.
check out my live session here
Wrong  Thelema small.jpg

I enjoyed that! Excellent stuff!

Reblogged, Upvoted and Tweeted: