Has anyone tried something like this?
Yeah, all the time
I call it falling off the map, and it's critical for my mental health
It has upset people in the past when I don't get back to them right away
It allows my introverted personality to not get overwhelmed, so I don't feel bad about it
Most people don't understand what that means
And when you try to explain it to someone: "so, being around people drains my energy; I can't do it for too long" they generally don't want to listen
Or they take it personally, like I'm telling them: "you drain me"
Which is usually not the case
¯\_ (ツ)_/¯
I'm just trying to get by, like everyone else
We all have things that work for us which don't for others
omg yes!
That's exactly it!
For those who get attacked I used to be bothered and tried to over-explain it and still they got offended, but that was good, I came to realize how those who truly care, respect my time
And for those I got a new approach "just like your phone I have a battery, but a "social battery". if your phone dies, you recharge it, that's the same for me"
It's good to know I'm not the only one like this :D :D
That's a really good way to put it!