A few weeks ago I made a comment referring to photographs a hiver had taken and how great they would look in a calendar; It was an innocent comment, nothing outside of the ordinary for me, but something extraordinary resulted from it. Here's the story.
The hiver is @sjarvie5, otherwise known as Sara; A nature-lover, photographer, gardener and all round champ of hive. She's also a bit of a traveller and adventure-seeker. Sara hails from Mesa, Arizona USA which is a very long way from where I live here in Adelaide, South Australia but we connected.
So...How does something extraordinary occur between two people situated so far away from each other?
Sara responded to my comment with a thank you and said she thought it was a good idea, the calendar and, what's more, decided to make one, and send it to me!...In Australia y'all.
Of course I was really pleased with that, not just because I'd inspired her creativity but because I think it was a really community-oriented thing to do...It was, quite simply, a very nice gesture.
Today I found a big yellow envelope with United States Postal Service stickers all over it and saw right away it was from Arizona, USA. What goodies had arrived for the G-dog? Clearly more than a calendar as it was not a flat parcel...Ok, what has Sara gone and sent me, I thought with some excitement.
Below you can see the contents...Oreo's, An apple pie bar, Reese's and Starburst candy, Nutter Butter cookies (peanut butter sandwich cookies) and Lego...Does this girl know me or what! Actually nope, we're complete strangers...But she nailed it! Lego y'all!
Of course you can also see the 2021 calendar she made using her own pictures. It's very professional looking and the images are beautiful! I will hang it in my home office with great pride.
Sara also put a nice little greeting card in there, also home made by the looks of it, with a little message to Faith and I. Classy Sara, classy.
Thank you so much for your generous and very cool gesture Sara, it will be repaid in kind, although it's doubtful anything will make it to you before Christmas - Thanks for nothing pandemic. I will reciprocate in kind though and will draw some real enjoyment out of putting it together...No, I'm not sending you a live koala...Or am I? 😆
Faith is still at work right now, but when she comes in I'll show her everything and we'll have a try of the foods...The Lego is all mine though! 😂 (You know me and Lego right y'all?)
A year or so ago I sent five packages like this around the world: Two to Florida USA, and one each to Romania, Germany and the UK. They contained the truly Aussie Vegemite and some other Australian stuff.
I simply did a post asking who would like something and five users put their hands up; Amongst them @krazzytrukker, @balticbadger and @ginnyannette; The other two have disappeared.
here. Dave is in America too, but lived here in Australia for a time and was missing a couple of items he can't get in the States...So G-dog hooked him up!It was such a cool thing and I enjoyed it a lot; Two of those have reciprocated sending me things quite out of the blue and certainly unasked for. Also, a few weeks ago @hidave received a package from me which you can read about
I've been expecting Sara's package for a little while and have been thinking about what to send back...I'll not say here so she can have a little expectation when it arrives...Maybe that live koala bear I mentioned above though?
Hive Cultural Exchange Program
It seems the Hive Cultural Exchange Program is alive and well...I know Sara has sent things to others and has received things also...So, maybe it'll become a thing huh?
I'm starting to warm to the idea of sending a few people some stuff again...Hive people I mean.
I'm not sure how I'll get it done, what shape or form it will take on, but I sort of like the idea of selecting a few hivers and sending them something from Australia. Of course, it would require a legitimate name and address to pass between us so I'm not sure how some will feel about it. I'll think on it some more...But was wondering what y'all think of that idea?
Let me know what you think of my little idea as mentioned above, cool idea or stupid?
photographic site. The photos are great and it'll give you a good idea of what she's all about...Especially the Envision the World gallery.Well, that's about it...Thank you once again @sjarvie5 and to those who don't know or follow her please go and check out her posts...Also, if you want to see some of her photographic work take a look at her
And remember...We might be spread all over the world, but it's all one world, and we're all connected. We don't need to be complete strangers.
Design and create your ideal life, don't live it by default - Tomorrow isn't promised.
Be well
Discord: galenkp#9209
That is so cool, I mean really outstanding! Every time I see @jarvie she is doing something cool. Spoiler alert: You aren't the first one she's sent something to.
I really like the girl simply because 1: She's a Zonie, 2: She prowls around some of the same places I'm really fond of and 3: Because she's so dammed smart and doesn't rub my nose in it.
I'm not saying that family is extraordinarily talented but look at Sara. Extraordinary travel and photography posts, and she does an art appreciation series. Jarvie is a professional photographer that is good enough to have convinced manufacturers to sponsor him to the tune of a 4x4 and trailer. Oh yeah, he's also the GUY behind PeakD. Among other things. I don't think the other brother is on Hive but he has a YouTube series on how he built/how to build your own 200 mph supercar. That's 320 kmph for those of you who have no true conception of speed.
My hat's off to Sara, and kinda sort of to you too. I think the Hive Cultural Exchange could be a thing. WooooHooo
Haha yeah you meant @sjarvie5 and she is one of the best bloggers on the platform for sure
Yes I did. Not that you are exactly a slouch. But I did mean your sister :)
Aww thanks
Yeah, I say that in the post.
Ahahahaha. My short term memory rears it's ugly head. Again.
Lol...It's all good...I figured as much.
Aww thanks Tom. So nice. It is fun to see you know about Jay too. He is exceptionally talented and it is so fun seeing his YouTube channel doing so well. @jarvie is my favorite photographer and great to shoot with and love what he is doing with @asgarth and Peakd.
That is excellent!
I think it is pretty cool when Hivers do something in real life together, even if they are on opposite sides of the world.
Are all the Jarvies photographers?
It was a very cool thing and something I will pay forward as stated and I'm already thinking of something cool to send her. 🙂
No funny shaped gingerbread cookies though. 🙂
Who doesn't like gingerbread? :D
Yeah yeah...I'll give you points for laugh-factor on that cooking post.
Idiot. 😁
Now there is a little brotherly love exchange I can relate to!
Lol...Not the first, won't be the last. 🤣
I don't know about the car building brother. I don't think he's on Hive:) He is a YouTube whiz.
Not all are photographers, they are all artists though. We come from a strong artistic and creative heritage.
This is such a beautiful gesture! G. you are very well deserving and it seems your gesture of kindness towards others opened a can of positivity. Lego... Oh the girl knows you!
Right on Sara! I think Galen is super stoked with your package especially the Legos. I'd be too.
I think it would be awesome if the cultural exchange program really took off here on Hive and became a thing. I can't think of a better form of engagement and way to make actual lasting friendships. Plus its just appealing to have bits of the world and its cultures being directly shared. Especially in a time like covid where travel is off the books.
I couldn't agree more...These days, covid days, it's important to stay connected and to find an emotional boost where we can. With whole countries going back into lock down, acts of terrorism and political uncertainty what better to do than make someone's day with a little care package.
I think it's a fine, fun idea between those who are comfortable enough to reveal the information required to indulge in such pursuits😎
ME...?!?!?!? I'm still a bit too paranoid about divulging who and where I reside. The last time I did that on social media, I had a crazy lady show up on my doorstep, with three kids in tow, insisting I let them move in with me!!!
Lol...Well, I'd only want to move in if you have a bigger TV than me. 😁
Seriously though, last time I did it five people stuck their hands up and that was ok...If none does then that's cool too...Makes no difference to me either way.
Now...About that TV of yours...
It's a 24 inch color T.V... I finally splurged for a larger size last year to replace my 19" B&W model😎
Hmm...Well it's good that you're seeing things in colour now, and don't worry, I'll not be knocking on your door any time soon. :)
Oh, God. I had just one and it about drove me buggy. You can ask @jangle about the details if you need them. She gave the crazy lady an all time nickname.
I can't remember if it's the same person I'm thinking of....haha. Was there more than one?
Nope. DC
hmmmm lol
YAY you got it. I was so excited for you to get the Legos! Thanks for all the kind words. Hopefully I will meet some of my Hive friends in person (travel or Hive Fest) and maybe I won't ever meet them. Sending and receiving packages from different parts of the world (cultural exchange) is a super fun way to connect on a different level.
Yeah, someone the covid postal service managed to come through and get the package to me. It was fun to receive so thank you once again. I assume the address on the package is suitable as a return address right? if not let me know by email and I'll get something headed your way.
Yes, the return address is good. I am looking forward to it!
Cool! I'm on the hunt for a suitably sized koala to send you...One that needs a holiday. 🤣
tokens.Where do I sign up? For all its faults, its ability to connect people around the world is one of the reasons I love the interwebs. I have friends that I met online (and have never seen in person) 20+ years ago and still talk to today.
I saw the post about @hidaves's package, I love the idea. My friends and I organized a book swap via Facebook earlier this year, feel like stuff like that is even more fun on a platform like this.
I'm not sure what format it will take. Last time I just did a post asking who wants some stuff from the G-dog an sent it to them as their addresses got emailed to me. This time I might do it differently. Some will want to get on board and some won't but it's all good...Makes no difference to me either way. I know some need to feel that their anonymity is protected, despite the fact none of us fly under the radar in truth.
I'm not on Facebook and so hive is all I have to reach around the world to people and I really enjoy it - It's a small world due to technology, but a little personal interaction can make it a little smaller, more connected. I'll think on what I'll do and maybe might get something planned for very early in 2021 as getting anything overseas is a very slow process now. We'll see. Keep an eye out for it. :)
Will do! Part of the fun of traveling for me was staying in hostels and all the different people you meet there. With covid I'm not too sure about staying in a hostel, this should make for a nice substitute for the time being :)
I agree with the travelling thing...A lot of the time we meet some really great people and often connect in ways we would not had we met at home. I think it's the fact we have travelling in common and are relaxed. It's been fun to meet new people whilst travelling and we've stayed in contact with many.
Very cool idea. Reminds me of when I was away at college and my parents sent me stuff. I was so excited to get the package. I would really have to think of what is unique to this area so that it would be a unique package. I have a few ideas! I am on board with the idea for certain.
Looks like a really cool calendar @sjarvie5. That cover photo is amazing. I am going to be swinging over to your blog to check out your work! See ya soon!! 😁
Hey BD, yeah it has a certain appeal huh? It was kind of nice to open that package yesterday to reveal a few little treats. It makes me think about how important care packages are to deployed troops - Receiving one of them means so much, and whilst they may only contain a few small items the emotional boost is priceless.
So, I'm not sure how I'm going to deploy this idea but it would be cool to have a few doing something similar. The problem isn't really finding stuff to send, it's the cost of postage. Me sending s few items to @hidave was about $38AUD and about the same for the package Sara sent me so it's not overly cheap...But for me the enjoyment factor outweighs the cost and I'm happy to do it.
Thanks for your comment and yeah, I don't think you'll be disappointed when you check out Sara's post feed. :)
Thanks for the shout out! You are right it is a little expensive to send the packages. I figured I could invest in sending the packages and brighten people's day with something physical or put it into Hive. Either way it is investing in the community!
I agree with you...Someone asked me what fun I could possibly get out of sending something but for me it's the enjoyment of knowing how that little package can brighten someone's day. It also helps the community as it promotes engagement, togetherness and creates a vibe guess.
Yeah, that kind of fun can get pricey quickly. Oh well. Once in a while could be nice.
I did a little shopping for sjarvie5 yesterday...She's got a few scrumptious things heading her way.
Thanks @bdmillergallery and fun that you are going to join the package party!
Package party...Lol...Good name that!
Package Party!! Never know what your going to get!! Nice ring to it 😁
Sounds like you all need to jump into Hive Cross Culture because too many communities is never enough? XD
I'd rather receive packages in the mail containing yummy treats! 😁