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RE: Hive cultural exchange program

YAY you got it. I was so excited for you to get the Legos! Thanks for all the kind words. Hopefully I will meet some of my Hive friends in person (travel or Hive Fest) and maybe I won't ever meet them. Sending and receiving packages from different parts of the world (cultural exchange) is a super fun way to connect on a different level.


Yeah, someone the covid postal service managed to come through and get the package to me. It was fun to receive so thank you once again. I assume the address on the package is suitable as a return address right? if not let me know by email and I'll get something headed your way.

Yes, the return address is good. I am looking forward to it!

Cool! I'm on the hunt for a suitably sized koala to send you...One that needs a holiday. 🤣